String 303


Dalayan Beginner
Every time I try and load the game I get "Error:String not found. (303)". I tried repatching, same thing. Thought it might be my .net file, so I went and redownloaded that. I looked around on here to no avail. So I figured I'd ask for help, more than likely this question has allready been asked//answered, but I was unable to find it :? .

Help, please.

Edit: found search bar + answer For those of you looking for the answer
1) You can try repairing EQ through the control panel.

2) If that doesn't work, reinstalling is a possibility - and make sure you follow the instructions. COurse this is the more timely of the issues
I went and re-installed everything and still got this problem. I can't find the repair option on the control pannel. Keep in mind I downloaded this from the website and so never actually installed it, just got the patcher and downloaded it through that.
Erh? What did you download from what website? You need an up-to-date live install with expansions up to LDoN. After that you need to run SoD patcher. The string not found thing most likely indicated a corrupt eq_str.txt.
i have this error 303 thing i have downloaded and installed all eq stuff but still get it any one know what the string is
I've got the 303 error when running in Linux if I don't first shut down my ESD. I think it may have something to do with your sound device being in use. Not sure though.
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