Strange attack animation


Dalayan Beginner
Hello all. My problem is a visual one. Whenever I attack in first-person mode, all I get is some strange blur of pixels. IIRC, it would show your weapon swinging, etc. Mine does not change at all depending on what I'm using. It's very strange. Any ideas?

it happens to me also but i dont use windows xp >.< if u scroll out then scroll back in you will see yourself swinging again from first person mode.
It's the nVidia graphics bug. You will essentially have to play 3rd person always (at least in my experiences).

You will have a target ring still which is nice. If you ever change to an ATI card you will have 1st person again, but lose the target ring. Look forward to 3.0 when there won't be anymore bargaining for one or the other!
Yep the Nvidia bug at its finest. Vitali covered it well. there is a way to fix it using the above mentioned link but it doesnt work if you box. Wait for 3.0 it should be coming soon!
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