Dalayan Elder
Originally posted by Xardon, updated due to new patcher on the Game...
For those having a hard time understanding how to set up SoD on a new machine ...
For forum filtering purposes please note that:
"Game" = E Q
"the Game" = E V E R Q U E S T
1. To make the install process much smoother the first recommended step is to verify you have the Microsoft .Net Framework properly installed on your computer. To download and install the .Net Framework CLICK HERE. When the webpage opens, click on the DOWNLOAD button. Save the file to your computer and execute it when it has finished downloading. You may have to reboot your computer when this is finished to complete the install. When this step is completed, proceed to step 2.
2. You will need to have the Game installed and patched on your computer, due to the new launchpad, without a valid account, you cannot patch. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE GAME AND A CURRENT ACCOUNT, YOU MUST INSTALL MINIMUM OF TITANIUM, AND YOU DO NOT NEED TO PATCH! Any type of Evolution, trial game, etc., will not work.
3. Once you have either patched your existing game, or installed Titanium or higher (including all recommended expansions), open your web browser and navigate to the SoD website ( and click on the Files link on the left (see image below). Then click on the SoD Patcher link, this will prompt you to download/open the .zip file. Select the open with option and then click the OK button.
4. When the file is done downloading and opens, click the edit button on the toolbar at the top, and click Select All. This will ensure you unzip both files. (see image below)
5. Then click the edit button on the toolbar again, and click Copy To Folder... (see image below)
6. This will then prompt you to browse to your Game installation folder, which is where we want to save these files. If you used the default installation directory, follow the image below. Make sure you click on the the Game folder so it is highlighted and then click the Copy button.
7. When this is completed you may close out of the .zip window and then browse to your Game Installation folder. Find the file that you just unzipped named "sodpatcher.exe" and DOUBLE click on the file to open it. (see image below)
8. The first time you run this program it will prompt you to locate your Game Installation directory. Follow the same process as you did when you unzipped the SoD files to your Game Installation directory, making sure the the Game folder is highlighted and click the OK button. (see image below)
9. Now you will see the SoD patcher program splash screen. You will need to run this each time you log on to Shards of Dalaya so you can ensure you have the most up to date patch files. Click the Patch and Run button to begin the SoD patch download. (see image below)
We have upgraded our patcher since this guide was made! Do not be alarmed that the patcher screen looks different!
10. When the SoD Patcher has completed it will then bring you to the EQWindows start screen. Here you want to make sure that the Executable to Launch line is pointing to the correct location AND eqgame.exe file, see image below. Also make sure that the Run Patch Program AND Play on Test Server are UNCHECKED, and your Fix eqclient.ini IS CHECKED. Then click the Start Game button and you're properly configured to connect to the SoD server.
To ensure you have the proper maps, go to the files page, download the map zip file, and unzip to YOUR MAIN GAME DIRECTORY! If you unzip to X:\Program Files\Game\maps, you will not get the proper maps, as this file creates it's own directory and you now have X:\Program Files\Game\maps\maps.
To review the rules of the server follow the link off the main page or click:
To review the SoD starters guide click on the Register link on the right hand side of the website or click:
To create a new account to play on SoD follow the Register link on the right hand side of the website or click:
IF YOU HAVE ANY ISSUES, DO NOT REPLY TO THIS! Post a new thread, including all steps you have taken.
For those having a hard time understanding how to set up SoD on a new machine ...
For forum filtering purposes please note that:
"Game" = E Q
"the Game" = E V E R Q U E S T
1. To make the install process much smoother the first recommended step is to verify you have the Microsoft .Net Framework properly installed on your computer. To download and install the .Net Framework CLICK HERE. When the webpage opens, click on the DOWNLOAD button. Save the file to your computer and execute it when it has finished downloading. You may have to reboot your computer when this is finished to complete the install. When this step is completed, proceed to step 2.
2. You will need to have the Game installed and patched on your computer, due to the new launchpad, without a valid account, you cannot patch. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE GAME AND A CURRENT ACCOUNT, YOU MUST INSTALL MINIMUM OF TITANIUM, AND YOU DO NOT NEED TO PATCH! Any type of Evolution, trial game, etc., will not work.
3. Once you have either patched your existing game, or installed Titanium or higher (including all recommended expansions), open your web browser and navigate to the SoD website ( and click on the Files link on the left (see image below). Then click on the SoD Patcher link, this will prompt you to download/open the .zip file. Select the open with option and then click the OK button.

4. When the file is done downloading and opens, click the edit button on the toolbar at the top, and click Select All. This will ensure you unzip both files. (see image below)

5. Then click the edit button on the toolbar again, and click Copy To Folder... (see image below)

6. This will then prompt you to browse to your Game installation folder, which is where we want to save these files. If you used the default installation directory, follow the image below. Make sure you click on the the Game folder so it is highlighted and then click the Copy button.

7. When this is completed you may close out of the .zip window and then browse to your Game Installation folder. Find the file that you just unzipped named "sodpatcher.exe" and DOUBLE click on the file to open it. (see image below)

8. The first time you run this program it will prompt you to locate your Game Installation directory. Follow the same process as you did when you unzipped the SoD files to your Game Installation directory, making sure the the Game folder is highlighted and click the OK button. (see image below)

9. Now you will see the SoD patcher program splash screen. You will need to run this each time you log on to Shards of Dalaya so you can ensure you have the most up to date patch files. Click the Patch and Run button to begin the SoD patch download. (see image below)
We have upgraded our patcher since this guide was made! Do not be alarmed that the patcher screen looks different!

10. When the SoD Patcher has completed it will then bring you to the EQWindows start screen. Here you want to make sure that the Executable to Launch line is pointing to the correct location AND eqgame.exe file, see image below. Also make sure that the Run Patch Program AND Play on Test Server are UNCHECKED, and your Fix eqclient.ini IS CHECKED. Then click the Start Game button and you're properly configured to connect to the SoD server.

To ensure you have the proper maps, go to the files page, download the map zip file, and unzip to YOUR MAIN GAME DIRECTORY! If you unzip to X:\Program Files\Game\maps, you will not get the proper maps, as this file creates it's own directory and you now have X:\Program Files\Game\maps\maps.
To review the rules of the server follow the link off the main page or click:
To review the SoD starters guide click on the Register link on the right hand side of the website or click:
To create a new account to play on SoD follow the Register link on the right hand side of the website or click:
IF YOU HAVE ANY ISSUES, DO NOT REPLY TO THIS! Post a new thread, including all steps you have taken.