Starting a new SK


Dalayan Adventurer
My friend is starting a new SK (currently level 15) and I wanted to help him the best I could. I'm a 65 druid and will follow him all the way.

I was planning on buying him a Mithril 2-hander and a haste item. Any other suggestions on what to buy him (preferably no or low level requirement items)?
I was looking to get him a few good pieces under a total budget of 3k while leaving the remaining items for him to earn. I was also considering buying a lvl 35 req or under 1 hander for him, something that will last him a long time. This one can be anywhere in the 1-3k range.

Any other specific SK tips?

My friend is starting a new SK (currently level 15) and I wanted to help him the best I could. I'm a 65 druid and will follow him all the way.

I was planning on buying him a Mithril 2-hander and a haste item. Any other suggestions on what to buy him (preferably no or low level requirement items)?
I was looking to get him a few good pieces under a total budget of 3k while leaving the remaining items for him to earn. I was also considering buying a lvl 35 req or under 1 hander for him, something that will last him a long time. This one can be anywhere in the 1-3k range.

Any other specific SK tips?


Dont buy a 2hander until your 20 and have double attack , waste of time with all the misses you will have. Get him a mithril 1 hander , or high knights vengeance and then go to 23 and use blade of spiritual infusion. Rotblade or ghostmetal 2hander past 30.
I would just buy that and get a rotblade with the rest of your money. Good gear is overrated if your going to have 65 druid chase you all over
Dont buy a 2hander until your 20 and have double attack , waste of time with all the misses you will have. Get him a mithril 1 hander , or high knights vengeance and then go to 23 and use blade of spiritual infusion. Rotblade or ghostmetal 2hander past 30.

I have to disagree with the last poster. Mithril 2 hander is the way to go, at least for the first 30 levels or so. SoD doesn't seem to have a damage cap for low levels, at level 1 I was one shotting mobs for 60 points of damage using a 2hand mithril sword. Until my 20's I was insane dps as compared to counterparts. Yeah you swing slower, but you end up two shotting mobs, and believe me after that first hit you have aggro.

Once you get a bit higher and tanking and tanking gear becomes more of an issue, get yourself a decent 1 hander and shield (for AC), but for your first 30 levels or so, you're better off with a mithril 2hs

My SK is 25 now, and I got her a Warpmetal Shan`Sel. I usually go w/ a shield or DW on my melee toons. But DAMN that thing hits hard. 50\42+10 ratio. And its recommended 30, so i doubt I am getting the +10 yet. You prolly want to go Blade of Spritual Infusion and a shield to tank properly, but if you wanna whack some shit hard, go with the WM Shan`Sel.
I would also recommend keeping up on your weapon skills. Do not get to level 40 and realize your 1hs/1hb/piercing whatever is at a skill of 5. Really won't be fun to skill it up to par (not hard, just boring).
Warpmetal 2 handers have +10 magic damage? If so, damn I need to get him one of those after I get him a Mithril.
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