Spymaster Kyla's Quest


Dalayan Beginner
I'm getting sick of the Greenmist Jungle, I'm ready to move on to Newport with my Rogue. I'm trying to get the note from Spymaster Kyla to raise my faction with the Rogues in Newport.

I am at the part of the quest where I have to say "your family sends their regards" to Maydina in Everfrost. I'm at work right now, with no actual work to do, so I can't look up the exact text from Spymaster Kyla but I'm pretty sure she said that Maydina is keeping tabs on the silver crowns. The Wiki says that Maydina is in the ice maze near the center of the map, which doesn't make sense at all because the ice maze is not near the center of the map at all.

I did find a camp of Silver Crowns, though, right outside of the ice maze. Maydina was nowhere in site. I searched the zone for over and hour and could not find Maydina anywhere. I asked everyone in the zone and no one had even heard of Maydina before.

Does anyone have any idea where she is?
oh yeah i know

but hon she was a you know what to find and i think they planned it that way. The wiki is very very vague but it was hit and miss with her. She is there. I have the mask to prove it. I put the quest off until later because it became a matter of principle but i did get the $%^&*( thing finally.
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