Spider Queen in Lasanth


Dalayan Beginner
So, I have the Vah sidequest for the spider queen in Lasanth. First, where exactly is she? Is she in the minotaur side, like I suspect?

Also, how hard it she? Like could a decently geared group handle her, or is it like 65+ territory? Thanks!
You could invis to her, and if everyone in your group is near her when you drop invis, you get 2 adds.

Root the adds then kill her, she is pretty beast but with a solid tank and a healer + slower you can 1 group her with little difficulty. Thinking like a tier 4 group could do her, tier 3 maybe.
There is a trap along the way that can break invis but you normally don't aggro anything immediately so you can re-invis.

If you aren't like t5 or higher I'd suggest dropping invis before you reach her and clear the other spiders before killing her.
There is a trap along the way that can break invis but you normally don't aggro anything immediately so you can re-invis.

If you aren't like t5 or higher I'd suggest dropping invis before you reach her and clear the other spiders before killing her.

If any spider is dead before you kill her, your assassination attempt is a fail.
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