Spelling/Grammar/Language mishaps in Items


Dalayan Beginner
Please post any errors in Lore books and such that you find in this thread, as they're generally minor and don't really deserve threads of their own.

Result of Painting for Adriel quest.

Flannel, not Flanel.
Not sure if this should go here, but the Crystal Oracle in Everchill Caverns drops a "Frosted Saphire," Sapphire is spelled with two p's.
I think this is even more insignificant, but I'm wondering if the lvl 44 shaman spell Talisman of Altuna isn't supposed to be Althuna.
Dzillon said:
I think this is even more insignificant, but I'm wondering if the lvl 44 shaman spell Talisman of Altuna isn't supposed to be Althuna.
thats how it was spelled in live, it wasn't a reference to the god here on dalaya
Three times in the scroll "Artifact List" for the Blackscale quests it has the word "Uknown" where I'm assuming it means to say "Unknown"
When you pledge to the Blackscale in Heartland Plateau, Xilkaz of the order says :
"You should be able to get close to her as you don't look like on of us" which should probably be "onE of us"

EDIT : while we're at it, when I get the Warrior Mark (last augment in Heartland Plateau) the NPC says to seek other Blackscale camps in Northern Wastes of Tarhyl, Obsidian Shard Mountains, and the dead city of Kaladim" ; Northrn Wastes should prolly be changed to Greenmist Jungle.
The item Branch of Draconic Brithright, from the Heritage in Doubt quest, is spelled wrong. Birthright not brithright
Reminder to keep this thread on-topic. I better not need to clean this thread up again.

Also, the more specific you can be about these linguistic mishaps, the better!
I'm sorry if I didn't keep note of stuff, many unsignificant typos, from logs there's
"something sinister is a foot"
"keel over" for kneel over I suppose
"soliders we were deploying" for soldiers
"your mad" for you're, classical
"I recieved some of it" for received
"sentance" for sentence
"that's for ceratain" for certain
"not a bad palce to start" place
"I am now considered expendible" prolly expandable ?
"You are to puruse" for pursue
"living amonst the barbarians" among or amongst

is a part of the stuff I found , about the 3 main NPCs of the Halas part.
I'm sorry if I didn't keep note of stuff, many unsignificant typos, from logs there's
1. "something sinister is a foot"
2. "keel over" for kneel over I suppose
3. "I am now considered expendible" prolly expandable ?
4. "You are to puruse" for pursue

1. Something sinister is afoot.
2. Keel over is correct English and means to fall over, usually in reference to dying. Example, "I'll be at this job until I keel over dead."
3. Expendible should be expendable, not expandable...they are two different words.
4. Puruse should be peruse...not pursue.

65 Wiz/65 Dru
oo I actually learnt stuff. So I only had the first one right :p although I knew the 2 last ones were somehow wrong.
Just saying thanks for the typos. One of these days I'll get a spelling/grammar checker on my text editor...
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