Specific Toon/Zone Client Crash


Dalayan Adventurer
So last night I had a client crash while zoning my shaman into Thurgadin. Afterwards, I would get the same crash when trying to log him in. I could log into other characters and I could even zone in to Thurgadin on other characters. I petitioned and got my shaman moved to a different zone, but I haven't tried bringing him back to Thurg yet. Any thoughts on what might be going wrong here? Reading around a little I saw that the wiki map pack might be causing some problems for people in specific zones, but if that is my problem shouldn't it affect all my toons? I suppose I'll experiment with deleting my Thurg map file if it happens again.
very odd that it would be character specific, did you try getting someone else to log it in? tried renaming/deleting your .ini's for that character?
are you loading other characters from another \Everquest folder? or using the same folder for all characters?
Bad map is the most likely cause of a single-character client crash, and Thurgadin and Oggok are the most common places it happens. However, since you can move other characters in and out of the zone, it is more likely an ini specific to that character. Search for that character's name in your game folder and move those files out to a safe place. I bet that you will be able to load your character. If so, try putting the ini files back where you found them one at a time, and when you find the problem file please post the contents of the file so we can try and figure out what's causing the issue. If this doesn't solve it, try moving the map file. If that doesn't do it, your account is probably logged on another machine.
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I had the same problem a while back in temple of yaralith! I called up my map and I got booted off, only to be unable to log back in til I deleted my yaralith maps.

I noticed one of the maps had a duplicate point in it. maybe something similar happened to you?
I was able to zone into thurg on my shaman last night. Sure enough, when I called up the map I crashed. After deleting the map files for thurg I was able to log back in without a problem. Were you able to delete the duplicate point and keep the map Nathasar? Thanks for all the input folks.

Edit: By the way, to answer your question Oozu, only one EQ folder involved.
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