Spain, and why we should all move there.

Homogenn said:
and give the town police global positioning systems to find people who might need a light while rolling a joint.

this is pretty much the best idea ever.
Too bad he JUST got voted in and "It remains to be seen how other parties will take his proposals for Reus"
Spain isn't so great when it comes to political parties working together anyway, this dude will probably be ganked. He might just away with it though.
We had a guy sort of like this who got voted into our parlament. He promised nutella in the field rations (pushed this through), free beer (pushed this through in a city for a day), backwind on the bike lanes (managed to do this by placing a fan on both sides of one of these lanes, so you would have backwind, regardless of which way you were going).
Of promises he didn't get through were:
Better weather.
More whales in Randers Fjord.
Standard Vacuum Bags
Shorter Lines in our Wallmart equivalent
Young men for single moms
The right to be ugly, dumb and rich.
The right to be impotent
Nicer christmas presents
8 hours of free time, 8 hours rest and 8 hours sleep
People without humour should get disability whatever
More Renaissance furniture in Ikea
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