South Newport warrior arena quest problem


Dalayan Elder
(1) I have spoken to Veteran Sael (prompted me to speak to the cagemistress)
(2) I spoke to the cagemistress in the lower bowels of arena (prompted me to go kill gnoll captive in arena)
(3) I attempt to attack captive gnoll and nothing happens...I can't kick, fire arrows, anything...

Notes: (1) I have no buffs on me at all (unless dark rot is considered a buff somehow)
(2) I am not grouped at all
(3) I used /cm d1 for all speaking to quest NPC's
(4) Yes, I did log out to desktop, zoned out of zone...still nothing

Any ideas for what I may be doing wrong would be appreciated.

Nuvian Ghostbear
27th level warrior
I wish I could just get the verteran to talk to me at all. I'm a dark elf warrior and he is apprehensive to me. I don't know of any other ways to raise newport warrior faction to start this quest.

I've been doing other newport quests and have newport guard and citizen faction to indifferent, but that doesn't matter to the warriors guild.
I have the same problem except I have killed one of the monsters and started to do another monster but I died. Ever since then, I have never been able to continue on. I am a Half-Elf Warrior level 14.
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To start off with, you shouldn't have posted in this old thread which is not even about your problem. Any way, if you lose you need to speak to the cage mistress and tell her "I'm ready to challenge the beasts." (or whatever the exact phrase is that initializes the battle) to try again.

I did this quest before the dialog commands feature was put in, but from what I remeber about it she will not prompt you for the proper dialog phrase.
To start off with, you shouldn't have posted in this old thread which is not even about your problem.

To start off... I posted here because this IS my problem as well as most of the people here that has posted. As you can clearly see nobody has been answered on this topic as of yet. I not only saved the servers a very small amount of space by not making another topic just like this, but I am also doing the people who may be watching this topic a favor. So get off your high horse and screw yourself.

...but from what I remember about it she will not prompt you for the proper dialog phrase.

Also, thank you for this tidbit. Hopefully someone will think of this if it proves to be valid. I think I may remember something like this as well.
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