South Badland Elephant tusk quest

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Dalayan Beginner
Did this quest get disabled? I went to the Newport Guard Scott in North badlands and he makes a reference to tusk collection but it only goes one response in (the paw quest seems active). I tried turning in a couple of tusks and he returned them which made me wonder if it had been deactived because someone thought it allowed people to power through too quickly. If its no longer valid, I think the reference should be taken away and the wiki amended.

There is a limit on the number of tusks you can turn in, so if you've done it in the past, that may be the issue.

Haven't done this one in a couple months, but it was there then (after the no drop item change).
I tried this over the weekend on a new mid-level toon and got both the calf tusks and elephant tusks returned (turned them in in pairs). Never did the quest on this toon before, so assuming the quest has been disabled.

I don't recall if changes were made to Guardsman Scott's dialog to reflect this.

Henmike, as far as the wiki, that's 100% player controlled -- I just edited in a warning note on the quest page.
i just leveled a mage and did all his other turn ins, but not the tusks. I only killed a few elephants and never got any no drop tusks, which i would assume all xp turn ins are now.
I'll look into this. It was apparently disabled by someone, so I'll try to find out why.
Xeldan said:
I'll look into this. It was apparently disabled by someone, so I'll try to find out why.

Thanks a bunch. I thought about amending the wiki but wasn't sure if it would have been appropriate until after learning a little more from an administrator. I look forward to learning hearing your answer!
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