

Dalayan Beginner
Thunderstorm sounds and or rain.

This is extremely annoying. It needs to be turned off.

I talk to friends via voice chat programs, so I can't just "turn my speakers off if I don't like it"

Has anyone found out about a fix for this sound, since it is not effected by "Environmental sounds"?

I would very much like to turn it off, especially when dual boxing. Double the aggrivation.
You'd have to turn off all the sounds in the game completely (from the options before you login) or turn the in-game volume down. Only other way would be to remove/edit the sound files, but good luck with that.
I should figure that out and report back. Yes, it is annoying especially since the effects ignore volume settings :/
You can turn off sound in game and still have have volume for other programs. I used to raid with sound off and still use vent to talk to people. Sadly I'm in the middle of the desert in 29 palms and can't get to a computer ( thank you Sprint for doing something right) and using my phone to type
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