The other day while doing the intro quest for the Thurgadin Bounties on my paladin, Khalos, the model for his 2hs Soulfire changed to the 1hs model without me transmuting or even unequipping it.
After I realized what happened I tried transmuting it back and forth, completely repatching, zoning and logging with it equipped/unequipped/in bank/as the 1hs/as the 2hs, and basically anything I could think of to try and fix the issue. A few people I've talked to have heard of this happening before but I couldn't find any fixes anywhere and they have any other info other than they'd heard of it before.
Question is, is there any way to fix it and make the 2hs Soulfire display the proper model when equipped?
I tried my other PC and get the same issue. The 2hs looks like the 1hs on other paladins using it. Does that mean it's something buggered server side or could it still somehow be a local issue?
After I realized what happened I tried transmuting it back and forth, completely repatching, zoning and logging with it equipped/unequipped/in bank/as the 1hs/as the 2hs, and basically anything I could think of to try and fix the issue. A few people I've talked to have heard of this happening before but I couldn't find any fixes anywhere and they have any other info other than they'd heard of it before.
Question is, is there any way to fix it and make the 2hs Soulfire display the proper model when equipped?
I tried my other PC and get the same issue. The 2hs looks like the 1hs on other paladins using it. Does that mean it's something buggered server side or could it still somehow be a local issue?
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