some info and admin questions


Dalayan Beginner
I was in the eqemu irc channel last night, and someone named ricardo said that even if the website is up, they will still be using the alternate login server for now on. Now, Im not too sure on this statement but does that mean that my character thats stored on the main login server is lost for good?

I claimed my account a few days after it was posted to do so. And I can log into and play on any 6.0dr2 server I want. Ive been leveling up my warrior on PEQ called Fatty Beerbelly for the past couple of days, because I strangely get a bad username/password when trying to login to Winter Roar's server.

Anyways, if the main loginserver isnt coming back up and they are staying with the alternate then the only way ill be alble to play on WR is to wait until the website is up and stable and create another account to play on WR?

I also have a question that I only want the dev's of WR server to answer. If the main loginserver isnt coming back up, and they are staying with the alternate.. why couldnt the admin from this board create a post with his email, then everyone could email him their account name and password. Then the admin of WR could email the one who hosts the alternate login server and asks if they could update the alternate login account information. That way we all could be playing again. Was just a thought.

even tho it says i joined the forum board in dec 2004, Ive actually been playing on WR since June 2004. Just never had the need to create a forum account until i had some questions.

and so this isnt brought up in a reply below i have 3 everquest folders on my hard drive. One is for eqlive, one is for WR 0.5.3 , and the other is so i can play on 0.6.0dr2 servers like PEQ.

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