Some advice needed


Dalayan Beginner
I signed up to the SoD forums quite a long time ago but never got around to playing. After following the forums for Wiz's latest project I decided it might be time to take proper look at SoD especially as I have got a bit jaded with all of the other MMOs around at the moment.

However I would like to get an idea as to whether the game would suit what I am looking for.

I have played a number of MMOs including WoW, EQ2, Vanguard and LotRO. One of the main problems I find is that usually get bored of them due to excessive grinding (especially in crafting) or a lack or variety in quests and other things to do.

I think a lot of the problem is that I spend most of my time soloing, not because I am unsociable or anything it is just that I usually only get a short time to play each day (9pm till 12pm UK time) and by the time I log in most of my guildies are already grouped and doing stuff. I have had this happen in a number of games and it is always a bit of a killer, I don't mind soloing but if I am stuck doing it I simply don't get enough out of the game to keep it interesting.

So my questions are:

1. With this being an emulator is there enough population at various levels to allow me to get groups, this could be guild or pick up. I don't normally PuG but I get the impression that the player base here is fairly mature so I am less likely to get problems.

2. When I do spend time soloing is there enough interesting content (quest that are NOT kill x of y) to keep me occupied. I have to admit I am not a great fan of XP grinding (although I know some say quest grinding is just as bad, but I do find it more interesting).

3. Does this game offer something a bit different from the mainstream MMOs that might hold the attention of an an old pen and paper role player (D&D, Traveller, Paranoia, etc).

I will probably log in and have a look round anyway but it wuld be nice to have an idea what will greet me.
1: You can get a group together at all levels if you play during high population times (EST evenings). If you play at different times you might have more trouble, I don't really have any experience with that.

2: No, it's not possible to level on quests in this game. The quests in this game mostly either provide a useful gear reward or more insight into the world of Dalaya or both. Quests are important for progressing your character, but not as a way to gain XP.

3: The development team does a great job of giving the world and it's inhabitants character, but you'll probably enjoy the game a lot more if you have a good bit of power-gamer in you.
2. I know there to be a lot of this available at the higher levels, as is the majority of content, as well as a smattering at the lower levels. You'd be best off to scan the wiki once you begin playing to help you at least locate quests.

3. Yes but you need to find it. Make sure you visit runnyeye as you are leveling and you'll probably find the richest experience starting as a vah character. Searching through roleplay and quest forums may also give you some direction.

You'll find that the game is very top-heavy, not because leveling is particularly fast, but because the level cap is by no means the end of the game. There are many means of advancement and uses for experience beyond that point, and it is by far a longer level than all those before it combined.
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