Another +1 for beastlord. You pretty much get 2 for 1, lots of self buffs for stats, hp, haste on pet and then for pc later. Also fists are fine and only get better as you level up. The drawback is you are utility, not necessarily dps, but changes recently balance things out a bit better. Of all my characters, I found bst the best to level - I did bard and ranger together kiting, shaman and rogue, enchanter and cleric to 55 or 65 and only the bst was legit enough solo for me.
Oh also, if you are playing p99 as well, bst is low pressure in basically any situation as long as things aren't hitting you. I've heard necromancers are legit to solo, never really played one though. I can attest that they are the bomb to have around though. But people might be sad if the group wipes and you weren't paying attention to FD.