Solo, no box.


Dalayan Beginner
Thinking about starting. I realize it would just be a fun adventure and I wouldn't be likely to get to end game. Having said that, I'm looking for class suggestions...

I love melee.

Any melee classes doable solo? SK? Paladin? Ranger?

And how about wizard?
I think beastlord soloing is pretty decent. Rangers are a melee class that can solo but they solo by bow-kiting things, if that is your style. Wizards can kite mobs just fine although they dont get a snare until level 28ish.
I strongly suggest against soloing. The best solo classes are absolute crap compared to even a mediocre box. You also have double the chance somebody will want you for groups/guild. Boxing is the best worst thing about SoD, so if you do not do it you really only get the worst part.
That's disappointing. Was looking for something to play windowed with P99. The different feel of this server just seems like it'll be a ton of fun. My CPU can't run three windows of EQ efficiently.

*sigh* was really looking forward to this.
That's disappointing. Was looking for something to play windowed with P99. The different feel of this server just seems like it'll be a ton of fun. My CPU can't run three windows of EQ efficiently.

*sigh* was really looking forward to this.
Don't let dudes discourage you. If you want to Solon go for it. Wizard solo isn't bad (you can root too.) BL, shaman, necro, etc. Try it out.
As a rogue, I mostly soloed until about level 55. It's definitely do-able and I found ways to make it fun (like figuring out what mobs I could sneak up to and take on solo, taking breaks to explore zones in sneak/hide, etc). A couple of caveats: (1) gear is huge as a melee, and once you figure out an income stream to buy some decent gear, things get much easier as opposed to when you first start (2) quest exp was a huge portion of my experience gain; (3) bandages are your friend - they reduce your downtime to something close to a caster medding to full; (4) boxing/grouping will always be more efficient, but if you don't care about that, solo play can still be enjoyable.
That's disappointing. Was looking for something to play windowed with P99. The different feel of this server just seems like it'll be a ton of fun. My CPU can't run three windows of EQ efficiently.

*sigh* was really looking forward to this.

Easy fix: drop the p99 window for another SoD window!
I solo'd a lot on my wizard when I leveled it up back in the day. So it is very well possible, and boxing is far from required. (Though it does make things easier at times, I won't lie there.)
Beastlord is a pretty effective solo class and is melee like you were looking for. The pet heals you get are quite good and if you let your pet hold agro you should have tank/heals/dps.

assuming what I've seen is true at least.
My 1st char was a wiz that I solo'd from 1-65.

People are saying that 2 chars are better than 1, but who fucking cares? 3 are better than 2, just do whatever you want. The xp is faster than p99, there is more loot and better loot; this server is a great solo experience.
I soloed as a druid pretty far; That being said I also found groups and had good experiences with that as well. If you start to struggle around 55, I know a lot of 65 groups in Remnants (Traks Teeth) That will take a 55 and could care less about what the 55 does just because they have space.
I had like 4 beastlords from level 50-65. Beastlords are the easiest thing to solo in this game even with minimum gear. Mage is good but has a few absolutely horrible level ranges where your heal sucks ass. Honestly every class can solo up till like 50-55 but it gets unbearable on certain melee classes(Rogue, warrior, I never played monk). Every caster can do it fine, enchanter is the roughest ride. All the hybrids can do it fine. The most important thing for non casters is get a mithril weapon as soon as possible, at 30? You want to get a ghostmetal weapon as soon as possible if you didn't magically find something better.
Having played everything here up to 65 (other than bard and warrior), pretty much anything can be played solo here. I found rogue to be the worst solo class other than warriors, but with the warrior revamp a little while ago, they're not too bad. Grab some buffs from players in the cities and roll out. :)
Magician plug! Great fun soloers and excellent dps if you get into higher tiers. don't have to worry about agro like wizards or rangers , can solo a Brood of Talin and makes black bread!
Another +1 for beastlord. You pretty much get 2 for 1, lots of self buffs for stats, hp, haste on pet and then for pc later. Also fists are fine and only get better as you level up. The drawback is you are utility, not necessarily dps, but changes recently balance things out a bit better. Of all my characters, I found bst the best to level - I did bard and ranger together kiting, shaman and rogue, enchanter and cleric to 55 or 65 and only the bst was legit enough solo for me.

Oh also, if you are playing p99 as well, bst is low pressure in basically any situation as long as things aren't hitting you. I've heard necromancers are legit to solo, never really played one though. I can attest that they are the bomb to have around though. But people might be sad if the group wipes and you weren't paying attention to FD.
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I had a ranger and I really enjoyed solo'n on him! Though just like a necro, wizard, or ranger- if you get snared, you're likely dead haha. And it depends on how fast you want to lvl, I always go for dark blue mobs. And as someone mentioned, yeah once you are high enough lvl, people will allow you to join simply so they fill up their group because you get a massive exp boost with 6 ppl in the group. And pvp, high end sham have whooped up on the ranger so they are awesome solo, too. Their self HoT for canni is insanely nice, so it helps solo big time... I never "liked" the shamy class but I got my friends shaman all of his relics and by the time I finished getting them all, I turned to really loving the class.

Ranger > Shaman > rest- tho i never solo'd bst/wiz/mag
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