SoE Online Patcher?


Dalayan Beginner
Hi, iam new to SoD but not EQ itself, i had EQ played last time at Planes of Power.. so min 8 years from now...

i just want to ask you a question about the Free to Play SoE online Patcher where i can download the full game there.. does this function at all after iam done with downloading from the online Patcher by just put in the SoD patcher into the folder iam installing to ? because i have bought just to planes of power and not gates of discord (min)... thank you!
I used to do this untill they made u log in b4 the game would patch. It worked for me in the past however some things didnt "work properly" in SoD. could try it i suppose? worst case scenario you wasted 3 hours of watching TV while it downloads.
Should get you in game np, probably going to run into models missing here or there but will be playable
You're going to need to get the expansions up through Gates of Discord at some point because there are numerous zones that use LDoN dungeons, in addition to a few other zones that use Gates zones. For example if you wanted to create a Vah, the starting city is a GoD zone and you wouldn't be able to get past The Dream.
Let me know which files that are missing from the free install. I can try to make everything compatible on our side.
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