SOD on Linux


Dalayan Beginner
I played SoD almost all Summer last year, I had to change my OS due to problems.Now I run Linux, Ubuntu 8.04 (hardy), And I really want to start playing again. After flailing around I got EQ to install, now I can't get the SoD Patcher to work when I click on it nothing happens I've tried everything I can think of. I'm using Wine 1.1.1 If you need anymore information I will gladly give it to you, Thanks in advanced.
Edit: This is the code I get when I launch sodpatcher.exe through Wine from the Terminal.

~/Desktop/Release$ wine ./sodpatcher.exe
fixme:virtual:NtAllocateVirtualMemory MEM_WRITE_WATCH type not supported
fixme:advapi:CheckTokenMembership (0x134 0x143260 0x32dce8) stub!

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.Globalization.TextInfo' threw an exception.
at System.Globalization.TextInfo.GetNativeTextInfo(Int32 cultureID)
at System.Globalization.TextInfo.get_InvariantNativeTextInfo()
at System.String.Compare(String strA, Int32 indexA, String strB, Int32 indexB, Int32 length, StringComparison comparisonType)
at System.Security.Util.URLString.PreProcessForExtendedPathRemoval(String url, Boolean isFileUrl)
at System.AppDomainSetup.NormalizePath(String path, Boolean useAppBase)
at System.AppDomainSetup.SetupDefaultApplicationBase(String imageLocation)
at System.AppDomain.SetupFusionStore(AppDomainSetup info)
at System.AppDomain.SetupDomain(Boolean allowRedirects, String path, String configFile)
wine: Unhandled exception 0xe0434f4d at address 0x7b844cf0 (thread 0009), starting debugger...
Unhandled exception: 0xe0434f4d in 32-bit code (0x7b844d66).
Register dump:
CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:0033 GS:003b
EIP:7b844d66 ESP:0032ef54 EBP:0032efb8 EFLAGS:00200202( - 00 - - I1)
EAX:7b82ebb9 EBX:7b8b4888 ECX:00000000 EDX:0032eff0
ESI:0032eff0 EDI:e0434f4d
Stack dump:
0x0032ef54: 0032eff0 00000004 1f5f1622 00851ce0
0x0032ef64: e0434f4d 00000001 00000000 7b844cf0
0x0032ef74: 00000001 80131534 0032eff0 00392010
0x0032ef84: 02000036 0032ef9c 79e814da 0032efa8
0x0032ef94: 02000036 00000001 0032f018 79e87ff4
0x0032efa4: 0000012c 003f161c 79f958b8 02d264b4
=>1 0x7b844d66 in kernel32 (+0x24d66) (0x0032efb8)
2 0x79f97065 in mscorwks (+0x127065) (0x0032f018)
3 0x7a0945a4 in mscorwks (+0x2245a4) (0x0032f0dc)
4 0x02d3365b (0x0032f10c)
5 0x02d33521 (0x0032f138)
6 0x02d3194d (0x00000000)
0x7b844d66: movl 0xfffffffc(%ebp),%ebx
Module Address Debug info Name (66 modules)
PE 400000- 408000 Deferred sodpatcher
PE 5e380000-5e409000 Deferred diasymreader
PE 78130000-781cb000 Deferred msvcr80
PE 79000000-79045000 Deferred mscoree
PE 79060000-790b3000 Deferred mscorjit
PE 790c0000-794de000 Deferred mscorlib
PE 79e70000-7a3d1000 Export mscorwks
ELF 7b800000-7b931000 Export kernel32<elf>
\-PE 7b820000-7b931000 \ kernel32
ELF 7bc00000-7bca5000 Deferred ntdll<elf>
\-PE 7bc10000-7bca5000 \ ntdll
ELF 7bf00000-7bf03000 Deferred <wine-loader>
ELF 7e482000-7e49b000 Deferred version<elf>
\-PE 7e490000-7e49b000 \ version
ELF 7e4c3000-7e4d6000 Deferred
ELF 7e4d6000-7e4ea000 Deferred lz32<elf>
\-PE 7e4e0000-7e4ea000 \ lz32
ELF 7e4ea000-7e508000 Deferred iphlpapi<elf>
\-PE 7e4f0000-7e508000 \ iphlpapi
ELF 7e508000-7e56a000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf>
\-PE 7e510000-7e56a000 \ rpcrt4
ELF 7e56a000-7e60e000 Deferred ole32<elf>
\-PE 7e580000-7e60e000 \ ole32
ELF 7e830000-7e89a000 Deferred msvcrt<elf>
\-PE 7e840000-7e89a000 \ msvcrt
ELF 7e89a000-7e8a3000 Deferred
ELF 7e8a3000-7e8a8000 Deferred
ELF 7e8a8000-7e8ab000 Deferred
ELF 7e8ab000-7e8b1000 Deferred
ELF 7e8b1000-7e8b9000 Deferred
ELF 7e8b9000-7e8be000 Deferred
ELF 7e8be000-7e8c1000 Deferred
ELF 7e8c1000-7e8e1000 Deferred imm32<elf>
\-PE 7e8d0000-7e8e1000 \ imm32
ELF 7e8e1000-7e8e6000 Deferred
ELF 7e8e6000-7e8fe000 Deferred
ELF 7e8fe000-7e900000 Deferred
ELF 7e900000-7e903000 Deferred
ELF 7e903000-7e9ea000 Deferred
ELF 7e9ea000-7e9f8000 Deferred
ELF 7e9f8000-7ea10000 Deferred
ELF 7ea10000-7ea18000 Deferred
ELF 7ea2c000-7eac3000 Deferred winex11<elf>
\-PE 7ea40000-7eac3000 \ winex11
ELF 7eafd000-7eb1e000 Deferred
ELF 7eb1e000-7eb48000 Deferred
ELF 7eb48000-7eb5d000 Deferred
ELF 7eb5d000-7ebcd000 Deferred
ELF 7ebe1000-7ec7f000 Deferred gdi32<elf>
\-PE 7ebf0000-7ec7f000 \ gdi32
ELF 7ec7f000-7edc6000 Deferred user32<elf>
\-PE 7eca0000-7edc6000 \ user32
ELF 7edc6000-7ee1f000 Deferred shlwapi<elf>
\-PE 7edd0000-7ee1f000 \ shlwapi
ELF 7ee1f000-7ee71000 Deferred advapi32<elf>
\-PE 7ee30000-7ee71000 \ advapi32
ELF 7ef91000-7ef9c000 Deferred
ELF 7ef9c000-7efa6000 Deferred
ELF 7efa6000-7efbe000 Deferred
ELF 7efbe000-7efc7000 Deferred
ELF 7efc7000-7efec000 Deferred
ELF b7c72000-b7c76000 Deferred
ELF b7c76000-b7dc5000 Deferred
ELF b7dc6000-b7dde000 Deferred
ELF b7df2000-b7f28000 Deferred
ELF b7f2a000-b7f46000 Deferred
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000008 (D) Z:\home\randy\Desktop\Release\sodpatcher.exe
00000017 2
00000016 0
00000009 0 <==
00000013 0
00000012 0
0000000e 0
0000000d 0
00000015 0
00000014 0
00000011 0
00000010 0
00000019 0
=>1 0x7b844d66 in kernel32 (+0x24d66) (0x0032efb8)
2 0x79f97065 in mscorwks (+0x127065) (0x0032f018)
3 0x7a0945a4 in mscorwks (+0x2245a4) (0x0032f0dc)
4 0x02d3365b (0x0032f10c)
5 0x02d33521 (0x0032f138)
6 0x02d3194d (0x00000000)
fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceW ((null),L".NET Runtime"): stub
fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0001,0x0000,0x000003ff,(nil),0x0001,0x00000000,0x32ea9c,(nil)): stub
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L".NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.42 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (79F97075) (80131506)"
fixme:advapi:DeregisterEventSource (0xcafe4242) stub
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I know nothing about running games on Ubuntu (yet) but have you installed .NET framework 2?
I'll try that and update to tell the results.
Edit: I used the manual patch to patch my self but when I try to launch eqgame.exe it says please launch EverQuest.exe when I do I have to log into an everquest when I do it tries to patch...
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I'm currently running Ubuntu Hardy and I've gotten Everquest to install just fine, and play just fine.

I'm using Wine 1.1.2 - you may try switching up to the newest version of it.

Here's the order I did everything:

  • Install .NET Framework 2.0
  • Install ********** all disks - here I had some trouble with DirectX (on the last disk), but there's a command to give Wine to disable DirectX, and after that it went smoothly
  • Patch Everquest with provided patcher

If you continue to have issues with .NET Framework 2.0, try using 1.1 instead - it's quite possible that a different version will work for you, and that's the lowest you can go for SoD. If it continues even further, try clicking the link that says "What does this report contain?" and start digging on the errors. There are tons of guides out there for installing pretty much anything with Wine - except ********** of course. =/
It would be absolutely wonderful to be able to say that SoD is officially cross-platform. I'll admit, being able to run SoD was my one deterrent from switching over to Linux for a good long time.

I'll see what I can add to the wiki entry.
"Install ********** all disks - here I had some trouble with DirectX (on the last disk), but there's a command to give Wine to disable DirectX, and after that it went smoothly"

what is **********? I got .net 2.0 to work going through winetricks, not downloading from online. and the Everquest patcher works. But the SoD patcher dumps me a bunch of errors. I also took a look at the appdb for Everquest with the SoD entree from another user. I applied the two installs from winetricks.

I use the command from the "SoD in linux" wine section "wine explorer.exe /desktop=sod1,800x600 everquest.exe patchme" and I get pass the server select and it crashes soon after I leave that screen before entering character select.

any help would be greatly appreciated (runnin Ubuntu Lucid) I'm gonna keep workin on it and post what I come across.
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Lucid appears buggy as fuck right now ngl, probably would have better luck with an earlier distro. I'll see if I can figure anything out.
Try renaming your eqclient.ini so it recreates it. I'm guessing it's trying to go to the screen resolution listed in eqclient.ini and X or your display driver won't allow it to. Worth a shot, anyways.
I currently run SoD on Lucid, I copied over a previous install and had no problems running it with Wine. If you are having issues I would suggest installing the latest version of wine, getting your winetricks on (So that you can have .NET 2.0. See here for info on how to get and use winetricks), and maybe using PlayOnLinux to manage the CD installation.

Also, if you are getting it to run and it crashes you might try disabling EQWindows, because Wine already places it in a window of its own.
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Oh wait, you rezzed an old thread. gdi. Couple things;

Can you;

1) Post your error messages from the crash here.
2) lspci > pci.txt
3) dmesg | grep agpgart >> output2.txt
4) uname -a >> output2.txt
5) wine --version >> output2.txt
6) glxinfo | grep version >> output2.txt
7) glxinfo | grep direct >> output2.txt

cut n paste the textfiles here please. And make a break between them so my eyes don't burn. the error message is the most important because I'm thinking you may have a mesa issue, but i don't know that.
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