So yeah


Dalayan Master
Well it's high past time I said pretty much bye. I'll still prolly be on the forums quite a bit, as I am generally bored as hell during the day, but realistically I've logged in like twice in the past month or two, and that's not going to change. There's a 99.999999% probability the next time you see any of my toon's it's going to be xavu or draxx at the helm and not me. It's been a fun ride folks, I'll miss playing with y'all. Keep tearin through content like a hobo on a ham sandwich ;)
Bye Aisling

Sometimes it is good to get away from these types of games. Hard to keep playing and hard to leave. Good luck to you in that crazy "irl" world.
Cya later Aisling was fun doing shit with ya

Where can i find a mage who wants to tank for me =(


Anyways i will bugg ya over msn and myspace :toot:
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