So Lost


Dalayan Beginner
I'm feeling completely clueless here. You Know What (wont let me use the letters w and r) vanished a mere day after I found it even exhisted, and I never got to play. I've been watching and was overjoyed to see SoD up and running. BUT....I've been trying for over an hour and I can't get it working. I read the other posts and tried everything. Maybe I'm doing something simple wrong and missing it? Here's what I've done...

1.Ran the patcher and updated completely on Live.
2.Created a new account on
3.Downloaded the files and installed them into my Everquest directory, which is D:/Program Files/Everquest (there is no file named Files so I know I unzipped them correctly. I did it twice to make sure)
4.Went to D:/Program Files/Everquest/eqw/eqw.exe and ran that. Froze the computer twice and I had to reboot.
5.Sent eqgame.exe as a shortcut to my desktop. Right clicked and chose Properties and renamed the path from "D:/Program Files/Everquest/eqgame.exe" to "D:/Program Files/Everquest/eqgame.exe" patchme, making sure to leave the space before the word patchme. That worked and I went straight to the login screen, but everytime I tried to login with new SoD account (see step 2) it said Error-Username and/or password not valid!

I tried creating another account on the and logging in with that, but still the same problem. Any help is much appreciated!
The files you unzipped overwrote a file every time right? If not, then what you did ended up skipping patching and used your old EQHosts file so you're sitting at SOE login, rather than this one. Redo the patching and make sure it overwrites everything ... I can safely say I did this same thing a few days ago and it works...
I unzipped the file again, and instead of clicking Yes to All I went through about half way clicking Yes to Overwrite about a hundred times before clicking Yes to All. So its going where it should. Then I sent the eqgame.exe to the desktop and added the patchme to the path. But when I tried to log in, still the same problem. I don't know if its a problem with my new account or the files. :(
I just used the eqgame.exe I sent to my desktop and logged on with my eq live username and it went through, so it looks like I'm doing something wrong with my files. Not a clue what though.
Well, the missus got home and I complained to her what it was doing. She didn't quite understand so I redid everything to show her what I was doing and what was going wrong, and lo and now works. So yay I can log on, although now my brain is fried because I have no idea what was wrong. Oh well, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? Seeya in game and thanks for the help!
I know how you feel...I had the same exact problem and just didnt know what I was doing wrong. I just messed with it for an hour or so and finally got it working. Glad to see you fixed your problem!
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