So long


Dalayan Beginner
I've decided than i'm done with SoD, for now at least. Too many changes, too fast, and with too little warning. Between the raid changes, the Game changes, and everything else i'm just not having much fun anymore. I still would like to thank Wiz and staff for the commitment they've had to this project, and striving to make the server the best can even if its only in thier eyes. To the friends i've made i'll miss you, and good luck in whatever you pursue.

-Yours, Kisuo the Ranger. :dance: :dance: :dance:
Although I had heard earlier sounds of this nature, I was hoping since it was just in guild that maybe you'd change your mind. I am sorry to see that won't be happening for the time being. I will miss you, please stay around the forums and say hi, let us know how you are. *hugs*
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