Dalayan Beginner
So I've been playing fine since i joined 3 days ago and I'm leveling in warrens today then my comp power goes out. So when power is back on I go to relog onto the game and when you type in account and pass and hit connect... i get error 1001. Now ive looked all over boards and have found tons of fixes for this that all happen to do with eqhost.txt file... mine is fine but just for fun i did try them all and still same problem. Can someone please help me fix this?
Oh and by the way.. I also had a completely clean regular version of everquest installed and patched to live w/o any other server stuff on it yet. So i decided id make another copy of it and start the WR process from scratch and it still gave me the same error.. whats up?
Oh and by the way.. I also had a completely clean regular version of everquest installed and patched to live w/o any other server stuff on it yet. So i decided id make another copy of it and start the WR process from scratch and it still gave me the same error.. whats up?