Snow Griffins wru


Dalayan Adventurer
Could the spawn timer for the snow griffins in the eastern waste be shortened? also, increase the number that can spawn at one time? Anything at all to help with this issue would be appreciated. For the past 90 minuets I have been running around 2 box ranger/wiz killing every roaming manticore, snow rhino and snow cougar and have not had one snow griffon to spawn. That’s very frustrating and pissing me off as I need rare drops off them that already have…by my estimate a 1 in 4-5 chance to drop per kill... :psyduck:

Kill everything in the zone, as they randomly spawn from all the wandering mobs in there. You can skip this part of the quest, and most people do. However, since it is easier to farm green cons than it is to farm dark blue cons in Freeport, I would suggest doing a zone clear of all the green animals if you want to find more Snow Griffin meats.
thx for the suggestion felyn :toot:..but I did say I have killed all of the roaming animal mobs.. and no griffin spawns..after 2 hours now

it is broken or the griffin spawn rate is way out of balance
Solo said:
thx for the suggestion felyn :toot:..but I did say I have killed all of the roaming animal mobs.. and no griffin spawns..after 2 hours now

it is broken or the griffin spawn rate is way out of balance

They are extremely rare. They are supposed to be rare, too (or at least have always been like this). I was basically suggesting that if you want to continue to try for them, that clearing the whole zone is the only solution.
Spiritplx is right on here. They are very rare, and the meat is a rare drop. I spent an entire afternoon there slaughtering everything, and had 1 meat to show for it. I recommend gaining your faction other ways and just skipping this part. The other mobs/meats are much more common. The freeport quests are also a good option, especially if you can box or take another person or 2 to group the dark blues in the Ench and temple area.
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