skills button in inventory not working


Dalayan Beginner
anyone had this problem or suggest any fixes?

I can click on the skills button in the inventory screen and have it react (depress) but the skills window won't pop up. I've used the defaul UI as well as SARS, both to no avail. I can view my skills at a guild master, just not on the run.
It could be that your skills window is popping up off your screen, its happened to me before, just go into your ui file and change the grid location of it to match another window that you can see. And if that isnt it then, sorry I cant help ya.
damn i didnt even think about that - and i used to make UIs for EQ, EQ2 and WoW. DUH. I'll go check it out.
... I've been playing for two years without skills window on my older characters, because of this. I think a big :hug: and some <3 with Elitra is in order.
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