SKills and timers


Dalayan Beginner
Silly question, I know, but its bugging me!

It seems with almost all of my skills that are on timers, if i press the button as soon as it 'pops' i get an error, saying that the ability isnt' ready yet, and the icon greys back out, unable to click / press it again. (not horrid on things like kick, bash, etc)

but some skills this horrid.. This also happens with bows / thrown weapons.. If you press the button as soon as it pops, no weaopn thrown, no arrow shot, but also no error message... just the timer resets..

now, i know if you wait a few ms after the key pops, and then press it, you don't get the error message..

but, we all want to be killing machines, and unformatly, I do go spam fest on my keys during big fights, and only doing a special attack 1/2 as much as I should be able to is starting to bother me. I know, 'just wait a moment, then press it' but i shoudlnt' have to.. the skills have timers on them for a reason.. We shouldnt' have to wait another moment after that skill is 'ready' to be able to fire it.

could you add maybe 15ms to each one of the skill button repops, so that this doesn't happen...

also, if you zone while mend / loh / HT, etc is down, the skill hotkey is activated.
Though it's been over a year since I played on live, I had this same problem on Live too. Don't know if they ever got it fixed, but recoding just because you can't wait the few miliseconds isn't exactly reasonable. It's coding, give it it's 15ms or it doesn't like you. :brow:
this is suppose to be more of a 'how can I fix this post'

regarding the repops of skill button, it was more asking how I could add the 15 ms.. but thanks for the big insight..

i know changeing the coded timers on all the skill repops would be tedious, and boring (reason I dont' code unless I have to, sense college!)... but, if there is an easy fix, i'm all for it.
Well, when it comes to actual text commands you could use.. I'm not sure how delays work in game, as a warrior really, I just rely on the repop buttons themselves, though I assume if you knew the actual delays you could code macros that would say outloud when a skill was ready, or something of that sort, that way you know when to push the button again, but this can also be semi confusing as there are no down or up states on the buttons.

I get this error on occasion too, I've just learned to limit my response times to the timers by that few miliseconds, seeing as I experienced the same thing with timers on EQ Live.
Any ideas on this? I was grouped up with a warrior, and druid last night that said they are getting this error as well..

(the warrior with slam / kick) the druid with tracking.

they hadn't really noticed it till i said something..

now, if this was just a 'fluke' toward me.. why was it 3 people i asked last night have this problem as well?

Packet Loss

I was experiencing this last night as well, and I suspect it has something to do with packet loss, at least in my case. Last night was the first time I had this problem regularly (only happened once or twice before), and last night was also the first night I was experiencing periods of noticable packet loss.
last question, i'll bug when i get online later today...

will the /cmd filter all 1 fix this for good? or only till we zone?
This seems to be a problem in some zones and not in others - I was getting timer troubles in Greenmist and Oggok, but not in Twighlight or Fungus.

This might help chase down the trouble.
Willaena said:
This seems to be a problem in some zones and not in others - I was getting timer troubles in Greenmist and Oggok, but not in Twighlight or Fungus.

This might help chase down the trouble.

If that is the case, I wonder how the zones are split between the two serves and see if there is any correlation between the two.
Also, I've noticed, if I'm reading my netstat window correctly, that the summoned items poofing is also a Server > Server related bug. Going from one zone on one box to another zone on another box makes summoned things go poof.
its worse than ever in what was upper guk.. sorry, can't think of the name off hand.

I got that 'ability recover time not met' 3 times in a row on my skills several times.. as a note.. this is waiting 2 - 5 seconds before pressing the skill button again.
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