Skill messages (Forage and Sneak/Hide)


Dalayan Adventurer
I was just wondering about a possible bug. On my druid, who just got forage skill, when I use the skill I don't get any message telling me about the failed attempt (have yet to succeed or get a skill up). The failed forrage message does appear on my bard when I forage with her.

And the second issue, on my rogue, I don't recieve any messages telling me whether my sneak or hide succeeded or not, such as:
--You are as quiet as a herd of running elephants.
--You are as quiet as a cat stalking its prey.
This one may just be that the messages are not implemented on WR.

I am really worried about the forrage being broken on my druid though, any help with either of these problems would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe I'm just retarded, but I had the same problem with my Kick skill until I went to the trainer and trained it from 0 to 1....
nope, not that retarded

I've trained the forage skill up to 20 at the trainer, its still giving me the same problem :p
Forrage skill is bugged

I found a sort of solution to the forrage problem. As soon as I hit lvl 15, it magically started working. This is probably because the forrage skill for druids isn't around untill lvl 15. So its either a bug that allowed me to train in it before 15 or a bug that it doesnt work untill 15. Either way, I reported it as a bug.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Hide ever gave you a message whether it worked even on EQLive. Perhaps they added that in after I left. Anyway, a quick way to tell if you are hidden is to con an otherwise KoS mob. If they are still con KoS, you failed. If you con Indifferent, you're hidden. As for Sneak, I've never had Sneak fail that I can recall so /shrug.


Well here's the difference. Sneak has a NOTICEABLE effect when it works (ie - you slow way down while moving). Hide has nothing like that. I don't think it would be so bad to maybe put a message up saying whether or not the hide actually succeeded. I mean, what's the difference between that and noticing whether you're moving slower because sneak succeded?

Either way, I'll deal. It's just a minor annoyance that I dealt with in EQL as well. It's just a pain to try to con things....especially for example everything in your immediate area is indifferent to you anyway and you need to know if you're hidden before you walk through a door. :-/ (Rogue's Test - South Newport)
Annoying hide message.

While it is true that it is easy to tell whether or not you are sneaking from moving slow (or having a high enough skill where it hardly ever fails), the problem is the hide ability.

I run into problems with hide if I enter a new zone that I wish to explore, and the only monster that I can see from the zone in has its back turned to me. In this case, I can sneak and it cons indiff, but there is no possible way to tell whether or not I am hidden (especially if its a red con).

As I recall, eqlive had the following messages pertaining to hide:

Fail : "You have failed to hide yourself"

Success: "You are sucessfully hidden!"

These messages were only available to the rogue class, as the rogue class is the only class that can move while hidden if successfully sneaking.

I would love it if wintersroar added these messages into the rogue, as it would make playing the rogue that much more enjoyable, without making them any more powerful than other classes.
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