Sivyana Quest


Dalayan Beginner
I'm working on the Sivyana bodybag quest. It tells me to capture 'an earthen sprite.' By all accounts this sprite is in plane of earth. I have attempted to capture every single even faintly sprite-like mob in earth, from the sisters to the naiads. I would normally assume that 'a water sprite' is the mob I need. Despite this, none of the mobs have been capturable and none have even given me a message saying they are too high on health to be captured. Working from the 'earthen' angle I have also attempted to capture 'an earthen mephit' with no luck.

It's really difficult to muster a group or raid for plane of earth and in three incredibly time-consuming attempts I haven't gotten the faintest hint as to what I need to capture.

Is this quest working properly?
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The quest should be working properly, as some people finished the first part already.

The quest giver does indeed give minimal information. I don't know if you captured any of the other victims. If it's your first try, you should start with an other type of victim, so you know what to do next on harder targets.

If you already captured the other victims, then you should be able to capture the earthen sprite with good support. You're in the right place.
I've captured the athica and air mobs with no trouble but to be honest "the right place" isn't too helpful because plane of earth is probably the most hated zone in the game and I will never get somebody to touch it again without knowing for sure what I need :-\
Working fine as far as I can see. You are missing something supremely obvious or doing it wrong.
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