Silvercrown "Trader" level Faction Quest Issues


Dalayan Beginner
Currently running through the 'meat' quest.
The frozen terrors (in icewell anyway) don't appear to be dropping any of the no-drop 'high quality' type meat.
On a side note, the Quest in GSM seems to be either bugged or not implemented yet. At least does the guy all the others send you to, Sergeant Destrick, not respond to hails in any form.
Alton said:
Currently running through the 'meat' quest.
The frozen terrors (in icewell anyway) don't appear to be dropping any of the no-drop 'high quality' type meat.

Has this been looked into? Cause i killed like another dozen of Terrors, with no meat at all.
The fix didn't make last patch somehow. Will have to wait for next.
this isn't a trader level issue, but I thought it would be a good spot for it.

I was turning in gemathian heartstones and after a while the dwarf wouldn't accept them anymore. I figure I'm done that leg of the quest but he didn't actually say that I was done. did anyone else notice this?

I got the same thing as Mr. Kas there. I gave the dwarf stones until he stopped accepting them, even though he kept asking for more. I just ignored him and went back to the high trader, as far as she was concerned I had completed the quest.
Got the same thing as Kas for Ratkon, and I had turned in quiet a lot of hearts so my guess is the "you're done" message just didn't make it.
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