Silvercrown Mapping Velious Quest BROKEN


Dalayan Adventurer
Hi there,

Since i saw someone complaining about the very same problem on ooc the other day, I wanted to report this bug with the Mapping Velious Quest (Everfrost Silvercrown Camp)

Wyvernfang Coast can not be mapped at the moment, somehow the "waypoint" Druid Circle doesn't work anymore. The 3 other spots work fine, but if you dont get the last one, your map wont complete and you wont be able to finish the quest.

BTW: we tried like every possible position, even on top of the dragon statue sitting on the Druid Ring ;)
I tried to complete this quest today. I got 3 of the 4 zones mapped with zero problems, but when I went to Wyvernfang to finish the last map, I couldn't get either the Teleportation Circle, or the Siren's Grotto locations to flag.

I have run circles, zig-zags, grids, and a few other paterns in both areas for about an hour with no luck.

Is something broken, or does someone know a trick I can try?

(Wow, read the date wrong, sorry for bumping such an old post.)
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No thats the not the date i posted, its the date i registered :) This is actually a very recent bug

BTW: To get the SG Entrance one, you should try going underwater in front of the tunnel, thats where it worked for me. The Druid Portal Spot however, is still bugged (tried it again yesterday)
Ah, haha, I thought I was crazy or something, but I was really tired, so... *shrug*

Yeah, I swam all over by Siren's Grotto and still can't get the flag to trigger :\
The Wyvernfang one is probably my fault. I will fix that. No idea about the Siren's Grotto one.
Hey Follra, I was curious if you were able to look at the flag yet. I am still unable to get the same two spots flagged. (Both are in Wyvernfang, so I am not sure with one you mean.)
Hey Follra, I was curious if you were able to look at the flag yet. I am still unable to get the same two spots flagged. (Both are in Wyvernfang, so I am not sure with one you mean.)

They are for the same quest? Let me look at it...
They are for the same quest? Let me look at it...

I am not sure what you mean by the Siren's Grotto one. But the Wyvernfang one should be fixed tomorrow. Just me being new and dumb and making assumptions.
Four zones have four scouting locations for the quest. Two of the four in Wyvernfang worked for me, the other two won't trigger for me. One is at the Teleportation Circle, the other is in the water outside the tunnel to Siren's Grotto.

Thanks for looking into them. I'll run around there again tomorrow and post the results.
You really sure you tried every possible position in front of the Sirens Grotto Tunnel? You NEED to be underwater to get the flag there, and i got it on first try a few days back.

To Foolra:

Theres 4 Positions you have to visit for this quest (in WFC):

a.) the Druid Ring
b.) the North Side of the Othmir Beach
c.) the area just outside of Siren's Grotto
d.) the westernmost Edge of the cliff

So its not actually something IN sirens grotto, just in front of it
Yes, I have gained 50+ swimming in front of Siren's Grotto. I swam all over inside the tunnel, and did horizontal and vertical grids and zig zags and circles right outside the tunnel, and the area around the tunnel, and ran around above the water with levitate...

I can't think of much else to try.
Still no luck with this problem. It's getting pretty frustrating.

The longer this goes on, the more I wonder if one or the other location flagged, and I just missed the message somehow (I was watching very closely, but who knows).

Either way, I can't get the last of the maps.
I heard there was going to be a patch last night. Hoping a server restart would help, I tried again this morning to get the two flags. It still didn't work for me.
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