Silvercrown Corporal => Sergeant Bugged?


Dalayan Beginner
I won't detail them here to avoid spoilers, but I'm pretty sure that I just finished the last possible SC faction quest at level 3 (corporal) on Anne.

When asking for a promotion, the response was slowly changing.
Something along the lines of 'yeah right you've got crazy more work to do', then to 'its coming soon', then people just stopped responding.

No one responds to the advance rank line, and the only quests I've been able to find are now telling me to come back when I'm a Sergeant.
These in the process of being implemented now? I'm also at the same stage as Alton

Edit: Probably the one quest we can't do is the one preventing us from getting sergeant (The one Trader in Western Badlands that says "UNIMPLEMENTED" when you Hail him.)
hiyas...i am at the same point ( i think) the only active SC quest i can find is from the trader at the docks in GSM to kill char Zbon being a druid woodelf... im thinking that me killing treants will make me kos in my hometown of surfall. am i right?
It seems as if the SC quests in FP are bugged or not emplimented as well. They dont even turn and look at yas =)
Pallish said:
It seems as if the SC quests in FP are bugged or not emplimented as well. They dont even turn and look at yas =)

I had some computer hardware problems a couple weeks ago and just got them sorted out. I'll get these in ASAP(hopefully tomorrow).
A quick update:

- I'm in the process of implementing the SC quests in Freeport now. I'll post again when they're fully implemented.
- Western Badlands should have a fully functional Silver Crown hub now for rank 3, and also includes one or two rank 4 quests.
- The Silver Crown quest hub in Freeport is finally implemented. There are now 10 rank 4 quests available there. Seek out Sergeant T`Zar to find out more.
Xeldan said:
- The Silver Crown quest hub in Freeport is finally implemented. There are now 10 rank 4 quests available there. Seek out Sergeant T`Zar to find out more.

God, a ton and a bit new faction quests.... Making my home @ East Freeport Docks then... :toot:
I am bewildered, as I am having problems similar to some mentioned previously, yet others seem to have already advanced in rank. I've done all available quests from the three in Western Badlands, all available from the three in Everfrost, and all available from the two(?) in Goblinskull - Sergeant Destrick, who seems like he should be the third person as found at other camps, responds to nothing.

I've gone back to every single one and asked for more tasks or promotion and they don't seem to think that I'm worthy of Sergeant yet and have nothing new for me. More eerily, a couple don't even respond to an inquiry for more tasks, such as Trader Ralikal in Goblinskull and, if I recall, Trader Togun in Western Badlands. I feel as if I must be missing something fairly major, as I was told that the quest can be done without resorting to killing treants (as you are given the option to express moral outrage), yet I went ahead and did it anyway.

I tried checking Freeport, of course, but Sergeant T`Zar laughed in that way he tends to and told me that I was too low rank and that I should go back to the above places.

The character in question is Selrach and I can acquire any more information desired. I chose to bump this thread because it was already apropos and not too old.
just checking... did you complete all the sc quest in the heartlands? you do not mention them and idk if they need to be done before you can advance to the other zone quest or, if you could skip some/all in the heartlands and still be able to quest the other zones.
Solo said:
just checking... did you complete all the sc quest in the heartlands? you do not mention them and idk if they need to be done before you can advance to the other zone quest or, if you could skip some/all in the heartlands and still be able to quest the other zones.

Certainly I have. I've even gone back a couple times to check everyone and see if they have more for me, but they don't.

All of Heartlands exhausted, three people in Everfrost exhausted, three people in West Badlands exhausted, two in Goblinskull (the only two that'll respond), and the one in South Badlands as per West Badlands. All have been revisited time and time again, asked for both tasks and advancement. All of Freeport scoffs at my rank of Corporal.

I can only imagine that this is some manner of bug or flagging issue, given my exhaustive searching and rechecking, though it's hard for me to imagine quite what the problem would be given the lack of weird events/methods and others' success.
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