Silvercrown Centaur Quest Broken?


Dalayan Beginner
Last night (5/27/09) I did the faction quest where you collect 40 centaur manes off all the corrupted centaur in Southern Badlands then turn them into the centaur leader in Centaur Hills, Helleron of the Plains.

I turned in all 40, was Ally, I gave him the Token and he said thanks for the help blah blah, I will accept this Token.

Went back to Trader Voyna in Western Badlands who gave me the quest, hail her with no /cm to tell her I gained there trust, I ask for more tasks to do and she tells me to go gain the Centaurs trust and give them the Token of Alliance, which I just did.

Any help?

55 Bard Compten
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