Silver Crown


Dalayan Adventurer
Been working on the quest got allied to the Centaur, Othmir and Kargoxx and gave them the ally tokens but didn't recieve anything back and when I went to ask for a promotion after completing everything else except killing the trees in LFay they will not promote me.
Did you do the Cyclops Warrior Clubs / Escorting Trader Milda part
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Did you talk to the guys who gave you the tokens? You have to do this to get credit for becoming ally.
Went back to everyone and Hailed them again a few times, and still get the same response.
I just finished Cyclops Warrior Clubs, Alliance Tokens, Escort, Deposit Lists, and everything else before this (except for Faydark trees) and I still can't advance. What gives?

Edit: Ooops
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Compleated - Scouting the Badlands- Locating the operative - The bloodblade compound-
This got me to CPL rank.
I compleated -Othmir Alliance- On hailing the giver nothing happened and the quest stayed in my active journal.
Am I missing something with this?
Toon in question - Balthor
Silver Crown quests from soldier's pips to Sergeant's pips

Gemathurn Hearts - Compleated
Map Velious - Compleated
Othmir Alliance - compleated

Goblin Skull Mountains
Metal Deposit List - Compleated
Treant bark - Partially compleated until I saw the diety spec hit ;( (8 turn ins)

West Badlands
Alliance token Centaur - Compleated
Alliance token Kargoxx - Compleated
Cyclopsian Warrior Clubs - Compleated
Escort Trader Milda - Compleated

Silver Crown quests from Sergeant's pips to Trader's pips

West Badlands
Cyclopean Elder staves - Compleated

Quality Snow Rhino Meat - Compleated
Quality Storm Wolf Meat - Compleated
Quality Terror Meat - Compleated
Quality Griffon Meat - Partial compleation (1) / spawn rate sucks

Trader Fikko:
*Holy Relic - Compleated

Recovery Officer Janson:
*Freeport Consitution - Compleated
*Words of Truth - Compleated
*Business Logs (4) - Compleated

Trader Nilanna:
*Guardman Nametags - Partial compleation (8/40)

Commander Dursk:
*Eastern Gate Documents - Compleated
*Western Gate Documents - Compleated
*Guard House Documents - Compleated
*Freeport Jail Documents - Compleated

Derela Flamefingers:
*Magical Tomes - Compleated

Historian Thomas:
*Teachings of Tyranna - Compleated
*Lexicon of Garos - Missing
*History of the Arena - Compleated

Ok questions and suggestions time.
(1) Am I missing anything that I do not have included in this post?
(2) Othmir alliance still shows active in my journal, is that a bug i can ignore?
(3) besides the journal entries I listed in my previous post none of quests since have appeared in the journal. Is that working as intended?
(4) The spawn rate on griffons is rather low. I found 2 hot spots in EW where there are mass spawn points and I sit there and chain kill both locations. Out of 15-20 mobs that spawn in those areas I only see 1 or 2 griffons and usually only every 2nd or 3rd spawn cycle. Can that be adjusted?
(5) The griffons in EW appear to have a larger pool of potential drops and the meat is super rare. I only managed to spawn 5 in range of balthors log file and 3 on naoma. out of those 8 I only saw 1 quality meat. Can the drop rate be increased slightly.
(6) Holy Relics- I killed 40 paladins with no drops and 16 in the cleric temple with 1 drop. The marlow diety piece drops like candy. I deleted 40 of them from the same number of mobs. Can the drop rate be adjusted slightly.
(7) Teant barks is perfect the way it is
(8) Tomes and Guardsmen nametags are droping at an acceptable rate

I am asking that the Holy Relic drop rate be increased. The quest states that they can drop from both the paladins and the clerics in North Freeport yet the Paladins are not droping them. The Althuna necklace for marlow aug drops way to much in comparison to the Holy Relic.

The snow griffons in EW could use a slight bump in spawn rate but its not to much of a problem to mass murder and spawn them. However their drop rate on meat is way to low and their loot table has more possible items then other creatures. A slight adjustment would be nice.

The journal is bugged on the alliance/ally quests for many people and furture quests are not hitting the journal. Can that be looked at or can we get a word that it is working as intended and can be ignored.

Pretty sure this is everything. Comments anyone?
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Silver Crown quests from soldier's pips to Sergeant's pips

Gemathurn Hearts - Compleated
Map Velious - Compleated
Othmir Alliance - compleated

Goblin Skull Mountains
Metal Deposit List - Compleated
Treant bark - Partially compleated until I saw the diety spec hit ;( (8 turn ins)

West Badlands
Alliance token Centaur - Compleated
Alliance token Kargoxx - Compleated
Cyclopsian Warrior Clubs - Compleated
Escort Trader Milda - Compleated

Silver Crown quests from Sergeant's pips to Trader's pips

West Badlands
Cyclopean Elder staves - Compleated

Quality Snow Rhino Meat - Compleated
Quality Storm Wolf Meat - Compleated
Quality Terror Meat - Compleated
Quality Griffon Meat - Partial compleation (1) / spawn rate sucks

Trader Fikko:
*Holy Relic - Compleated

Recovery Officer Janson:
*Freeport Consitution - Compleated
*Words of Truth - Compleated
*Business Logs (4) - Compleated

Trader Nilanna:
*Guardman Nametags - Partial compleation (8/40)

Commander Dursk:
*Eastern Gate Documents - Compleated
*Western Gate Documents - Compleated
*Guard House Documents - Compleated
*Freeport Jail Documents - Compleated

Derela Flamefingers:
*Magical Tomes - Compleated

Historian Thomas:
*Teachings of Tyranna - Compleated
*Lexicon of Garos - Missing
*History of the Arena - Compleated

Ok questions and suggestions time.
(1) Am I missing anything that I do not have included in this post?
(2) Othmir alliance still shows active in my journal, is that a bug i can ignore?
(3) besides the journal entries I listed in my previous post none of quests since have appeared in the journal. Is that working as intended?
(4) The spawn rate on griffons is rather low. I found 2 hot spots in EW where there are mass spawn points and I sit there and chain kill both locations. Out of 15-20 mobs that spawn in those areas I only see 1 or 2 griffons and usually only every 2nd or 3rd spawn cycle. Can that be adjusted?
(5) The griffons in EW appear to have a larger pool of potential drops and the meat is super rare. I only managed to spawn 5 in range of balthors log file and 3 on naoma. out of those 8 I only saw 1 quality meat. Can the drop rate be increased slightly.
(6) Holy Relics- I killed 40 paladins with no drops and 16 in the cleric temple with 1 drop. The marlow diety piece drops like candy. I deleted 40 of them from the same number of mobs. Can the drop rate be adjusted slightly.
(7) Teant barks is perfect the way it is
(8) Tomes and Guardsmen nametags are droping at an acceptable rate

I am asking that the Holy Relic drop rate be increased. The quest states that they can drop from both the paladins and the clerics in North Freeport yet the Paladins are not droping them. The Althuna necklace for marlow aug drops way to much in comparison to the Holy Relic.

The snow griffons in EW could use a slight bump in spawn rate but its not to much of a problem to mass murder and spawn them. However their drop rate on meat is way to low and their loot table has more possible items then other creatures. A slight adjustment would be nice.

The journal is bugged on the alliance/ally quests for many people and furture quests are not hitting the journal. Can that be looked at or can we get a word that it is working as intended and can be ignored.

Pretty sure this is everything. Comments anyone?

Have completed everything under Silver Crown quests from soldier's pips to Sergeant's pips except the Treant bark - Partially compleated until I saw the diety spec hit ;( (8 turn ins) and I still can't get a promotion.
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