Silver Crown SBL Quest


Dalayan Beginner
The new Silver Crown Quest from the newly implemented Trader in West Badlands isn't working.
When the Trader on the northern shore of SBL is hailed and begins to make her way to the Kargyxx fort, she stops around half way down (even with Paw) and freezes. Nothing would get her to start moving again.
zizzle, if you could, leave your ingame name here or PM it to me on the forums. I'd like to get in touch with you and see if we can get this worked out so that you can do the quest.
It appears still broken.

Trader starts quest heading The first pair of centaurs spawns, kill them and continue.
She then stops again (loc -2859, -277). No mention of an attack, hail does nothing.
No mobs spawn (out of range, underworld, etc) at least as far as track shows.

You can try testing w/ char Anne if you need to.

Just seems like the mob should spawn a few centaurs there or something and doesn't so she wont continue until the 'mobs are dead' flag is triggered.
My ingame character is Jaxelthorpe.
I tried the quest again a few days ago, and the same thing happened.
Any chance someone has time to look at this script?

It still appears to be broken at the same spot.
i tried yesterday and she still stops near the lair of the paw waiting for the next trigger
contact Zbon in-game if you need me to activate/help with the quest
The Trader will walk further now after some Arch Paws spawned & got defeated, but there is another fullstop w/o any further reaction close to the Kargyxx. The Trader talks of "some Kargyxx approacing", but there are none.
Yeah, I had computer problems but was able to stop by a friends and while surfing saw that this was still an issue. I uploaded what I'd hoped to be a fix for it, but it looks like it didn't fix it completey. I'll get this sorted out immediately.
Quick update on this:

- Fixed an issue in Trader Togun's script that prevented Soldiers(rank 2) from getting a response when saying "I am looking for tasks to do."
- Fixed an issue in Trader Milda's script. The escort should now function properly through its entirey.

I gave the escort a quick run-through and everything seemed to be working properly. Post here again if you continue to have issues with it, and once again sorry for the delay in getting it working.
When the Trader on the northern shore of SBL is hailed and begins to make her way to the Kargyxx fort
I haven't seen this Trader Milda for escort quest since it was implemented. Is it just perma quested and having a long respawn ? My char is sitting in Sbad all the time so I'm wondering if the NPC is really in Sbad northern shore...Any idea on this ?
PS : Nevermind I found, using a ranger (druid track is lame) ; it was just hard to see with its small height, and outfit with a color close to the color of the ground around :s
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