Silver Crown Questions


Dalayan Adventurer
Starting my bard's SC quest soon and wanted to start a thread for questions I get.

Wiki said:
We uhh, are having a problem with Greater Faydark.....these creatures, known as Treants...well...won't let us cut down their siblings. Kill twenty-five of them.
Note: Killing GFay Treants will cause loss of faction in Surefall Glade. This will make your alignment slip from Good, to Evil This task is optional.

If I had say my mage kill the treants while grouped with bard (who is going SC), will I not get credit? Credit = must lose faction?

Is there a known way to raise faction first so I don't drop to kos?

More questions to come if I have some.
If your after a good / lawful alignment dont do the tree's.
I didnt see much of an important faction hit from killing them,
On a druid i did the turn in and checked my alignment and noticed that it went down.
I would say if your althuna (druid is) and do the tree turn ins you'll lose 1.5-2 percent diety spec worth of alignment.
You can group with someone & still get the drops. I did it with a necro who loved killing them, I tracked, looted them. Yes, I got the faction on turn in, and no hit.

EDIT TO ADD: Yes, will probably take Althuna hit. You might be able to bypass this, not sure.
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