Silver Crown (issue)


Dalayan Beginner
I have done all the quests including the treants untill they wont' take any more yet I still can't advance. yes that means Everfrost is done Badlands is done and GSM is done .. yet I get no where :-/

Zummba is the one that is bugged
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I think I found the problem I have othmir faction done .. but don't seem to have the flag it's still active in journal and says I need to talk to the lady in EF .. I have 2 times now just to check.. But that seems to be a missing flag or something there.

The options I get is ask to be promoted and ask for task when I ask for task she says it's completed.. And that i'm not ready to be promoted.

If this helps any
You forgot to post your character names, as was requested.

Tou'che Mr salesman. I too have an uncle.
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I think I found the problem I have othmir faction done .. but don't seem to have the flag it's still active in journal and says I need to talk to the lady in EF .. I have 2 times now just to check.. But that seems to be a missing flag or something there.

Did you try talking to the Othmir in Wyvernfang again? Did you give him the amulet of something-or-other? Just being ally doesn't get you the flag, so thought you might have forgotten to do this...

Ikaa, he edited his original post with the character name. ;)
I think I turned it in but if I did it was long ago will check more after raid .. been a very long time sence I worked on this I can't be 100% on anything. I apologize for that
Check GSM again as well. Trader who takes metal deposit lists apparently never responds to dialog, even if you haven't turned in the full amount of deposit lists. Could be you're missing some, just take a half hour & farm a couple more, try the turn in.
Did you try talking to the Othmir in Wyvernfang again? Did you give him the amulet of something-or-other? Just being ally doesn't get you the flag, so thought you might have forgotten to do this...

Ikaa, he edited his original post with the character name. ;)

you would have to check logs from like a year ago .. I dont' have the item to turn .. it if my memory is right sever went down at that point and i didnt' get flag and whats why i stoped .. but I can't put my word on that was 2 long ago.

As for kero i'm about to test that theroy and see if i get faction
Kero was right it was indeed the lady that gave me no text turned in 10 and got what I need
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