Silver Crown Faction Quest


Dalayan Beginner
I have run into a couple things that, in my opinion, need adressed.

Pertaining to the Western Badlands quest to ally with the Kargyxx and the Centaurs:

I think killing corrupted centaurs should increase your centaur survivor faction. It would make sense with the lore and honestly I am kos to Helleron and I feel pretty lame as a 65 running around BB ganking all the gnolls to raise my faction just so I can complete the turnins that I have already collected. That takes away from the fun that lowbie players get to have if lv 65's are running around killing all their mobs.

Secondly, I understand if the Tarxan part of this quest is supposed to take a fair amount of time but I currently have collected 167 Beaks. I started max KoS to the Kargyxx because I exp'd on them at lower levels. It's not the amount of beaks that concerns me. I don't have exact numbers but even if I'm getting 1 beak in 2 kills, which i thinks it's less than a 1:2 ratio, that means 334 Tarxans killed at least and I am still KoS to the Kargyxx. It seems pretty ridiculous that after sitting there and collecting the required amount of beaks which i believe to be in the 160 range I would still have to sit there and farm even more to get to indifferent just to complete the turnin.

I personally don't think it takes away from the quest if Killing the Tarxans gives more faction per kill since you can only kill your way to indifferent.
You're asking for it to be no harder to go from max KOS -> Ally than it is to go from Indifferent -> Ally (as you'd have to kill the same number of mobs either way to get to ally). That makes absolutely no sense. You should have to work MUCH harder to reach ally if you've gone around slaughtering their people than if you've not hurt them before.
GuiardoTuneweaver said:
You're asking for it to be no harder to go from max KOS -> Ally than it is to go from Indifferent -> Ally (as you'd have to kill the same number of mobs either way to get to ally). That makes absolutely no sense. You should have to work MUCH harder to reach ally if you've gone around slaughtering their people than if you've not hurt them before.

No. Excluding the fact you ignored the entire first section of my post the point is that the mobs don't drop a beak every time. It's about 1 beak in 3 kills. The kills alone should get you to at least dubious after well over 300 or 400 kills so you can even start a turnin. I now have over 170 beaks and not even some level of sub-indifferent non KoS has been reached. The respawn on the camp is 30 min and farming the beaks alone has proven to be 10-15 hours of time which is ridiculous for such a low end mob farm to continue farming just to reach dubious.

to clean it up for you a little bit the point is I have killed lets say around 400 Tarxans (which is probably a low estimate) and I am not even Dubious or Apprehensive which is utterly ridiculous.
Rouean_Onrielas said:
No. Excluding the fact you ignored the entire first section of my post the point is that the mobs don't drop a beak every time.

You're right, I didn't address the first part of your post, as I thought that may be valid. However, since you didn't recommend changing the drop rate of beaks in your first post, the point of the second part seems to have been:

Rouean_Onrielas said:
It seems pretty ridiculous that after sitting there and collecting the required amount of beaks which i believe to be in the 160 range I would still have to sit there and farm even more to get to indifferent just to complete the turnin.

My original post applies to this, and it still holds. Regardless of if mobs drop a beak everytime, if you raise the faction hit to the point that by the time you have the required amount of beaks you're already at indifferent, it's no harder to go from max KOS to ally than from indifferent to ally. This, as I stated, is ridiculous.
GuiardoTuneweaver said:
My original post applies to this, and it still holds. Regardless of if mobs drop a beak everytime, if you raise the faction hit to the point that by the time you have the required amount of beaks you're already at indifferent, it's no harder to go from max KOS to ally than from indifferent to ally. This, as I stated, is ridiculous.

Perhaps i worded the OP wrong but my opinion stands that after well over 400 kills (probably in the high 500 range honestly) I should be a non kos dubious at the very least.
I can't speak to the mechanics of how SoD handles faction but from some tests we ran from live found that faction reparation was an extremely arduous task. We found two opposing faction that could be adjusted by killing members of the opposite faction. We killed one member of one faction to turn them from indifferent to apprehensive then went on killing opposing faction members until we turned apprehensive back into indifferent. In many cases it took 10 or more kills. Digging out of a hole from max KoS seems like a daunting task and I wish you luck but faction is too valuable in the game to sacrifice for exp.

I may run this type of experiment to see what I can find as I am having issues with the Silver Crown of my own. I havent' finished this quest because I am missing an alliance token and can't get my promotion to sergeant. I will post the results if I do the test.
Blackburrow must die.
I remember when I had to faction to indiff, thought I'd hang myself.
But that's what happens when you foobar your factions. Be happy Helleron's is fixable.
Killing Black burrow as a lv 65 is ridiculous. At least for the Newport amulet quest you can kill EC orcs. Centaur faction is essential for the SC aug quest. It really takes away from low end game play if you are ganking all the gnolls. Just a few min ago I cleared out every single gnoll in BB trying to get to dubious at least and right afterwards a lowbie group came in and the zone was empty aside from some piranhas. Not only does this make me look like an ass it makes me feel like one too. I remember how much I hated it when Qwai kept passing up our group and killing all the gnolls for ears way back when and I hate doing the same to anyone else. I just think another way to gain centaur faction should be created so that this can be avoided.
I had to do this recently...I had to kill every gnoll and every one of those attack dogs (stepping on the trap each time to get more) and I had to do it more than 5 times as best as I can remember.

I had ruined centaur faction years ago before there even WAS a main quest so I couldn't do the part where I had to talk to Helleron.

I posted about it a while back and never got a response to changing it to have corrupt centaurs give faction either...

It sucks killing blackburrow gnolls when groups are trying to exp there, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

EDIT: Links to my old topics, but there was no official feedback...
I killed Helleron every time I had the occasion while running in centaur hills, just for fun. And kept OOCing to give out his staff.
I regreted it later. I was an ass to do that, and I had to be an ass to lowbies killing BB for several days. I regret this now, but I think the punishment is well deserved. Just don't ruin a faction without a good reason, and you won't have to do the dirty work. ADVERTISEMENT : this is not a beat them'all, welcome to Role-Playing Games.
Think about the poor guys who killed dwarves and can't do their Thurg , personally I think it's even more ridiculous than farming BB to quest a cool aug.
Oh I agree with it needing to be a long process to fix the faction. It could be just as long killing corrupt centaurs in Badlands though. I think centaurs being higher level should give a better faction boost, but there are way less centaurs than gnolls, so it would all balance out in the end.

It would just be a nice option to have an alternative to destroying a newbie zone. As it is, turning in manes is good for faction, so just cap the killing faction at indifferent or apprehensive maybe?

As a side note, I no longer need this faction as I've already fixed mine, but I know I ruffled some feathers in Blackburrow. I had people ask me "Hey can you leave some of the mobs up?" and I replied "I won't take mobs in the area where I see you, but I have to kill all the rest to fix my faction." I handed out some shaman buffs to make things better, but it sucked I had to do it to progress through the main quest. :-/
Dzillon said:
I killed Helleron every time I had the occasion while running in centaur hills, just for fun. And kept OOCing to give out his staff.
I regreted it later. I was an ass to do that, and I had to be an ass to lowbies killing BB for several days. I regret this now, but I think the punishment is well deserved. Just don't ruin a faction without a good reason, and you won't have to do the dirty work. ADVERTISEMENT : this is not a beat them'all, welcome to Role-Playing Games.
Think about the poor guys who killed dwarves and can't do their Thurg , personally I think it's even more ridiculous than farming BB to quest a cool aug.

The whole problem with what you said is the fact that this faction was ruined pre 2.0 and way before the MQ or SC augs were created so we had no way of knowing it would affect us in the future. I don't mess with factions I need and I don't think that lowbies should have to pay for a faction that I messed up far before the conception of the SC aug.

It puts a terrible image on me and on my guild to these people that we are screwing over. I just don't think that you should be forced into stealing mobs from lowbie players. It's not even worth the time to loot the mobs for copper or dire leaves ect. so basically you are forced into running around BB killing all the mobs for no reason at all other than to raise a faction that should be raised by killing corrupted centaurs.
If it only effected the person who ruined their faction, I would just say tough titty, but being forced to mass slaughter mobs that lowbies regularly use for xp seems shitty for everyone involved.

Hopefully something will change.
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