Silver Crown Corporal issues.


Dalayan Adventurer
So this afternoon, I hit Corporal. Shortly after I did, I went out to the Wbad camp. I picked up the cyclops warrior club quest. After gathering up a bag full, I went back, and now Corporal Gelein or whatever it is exactly, wont accept the clubs. He also says he has no tasks for me until I'm sergeant. Now, I'm VERY sure he gave me the quest. And I'm 100% sure I have the right item. Anyone else have this issue?

Also, I seem to be missing all my tokens of alliance, for the Othmir, Kargyxx and Centaurs. I dont know where these would have went, they arent in my bank or my inventory at all. These were something I picked up fairly far back, when the quests were first being put in, I believe, but I thought they were flagged quest items? Is there any way to get these back?
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