Silver Crown Ally with Kargoxx quest - 14 playtime hours?


Dalayan Beginner
I am currently in the middle of achieving ally with Kargoxx as it is part of a WBL Silver Crown quest. As far as I know, the best way of doing this is killing Tarxans. To keep it short and simple, I have been here this entire day (going on 7 hours) and am only approaching being half way done (70 beaks or so). Since I am level 65, i can kill them the split second they spawn, which seems to be on a 15+ minute spawn timer, where only 1 in every 3 are dropping the Tarxan Beaks.

To me, this seems like a big chunk of playtime for completing merely half of a quest. At this current rate, I will be here for well over 10 hours, just sitting here in Lake Starfall awaiting their spawn.

I could only suggest increasing there drop rate or respawn rate, as this can take casual players quite some time to finish.

Unless I am missing something important, is this how long this portion of the quest was intended to take?


when one of the guys i know did it, think it took about that long
to past the time he 2 boxed and did something productive on the other toon to keep from going insane
The aug you get from SC is indeed pretty darn good. You also get an awesome bard cloak from this quest. Grinding XP/faction/money usually is not fun, but the end reward is mostly worth it (in most cases). I suggest killing them every 30 minutes or so and doing something else in between spawns (farming a long faction farm like this sucks for sure). On live, I spent the same amount or more time on faction/xp/money farms, so I guess I am just used to it.

Also, there have been many posts to increase the drop rates for these beaks, and they haven't changed yet, so I doubt they will in the near future.
Took me 16 solid hours one of the two times I did it; I didn't count the first time.

It's a little crazy considering that its only one part of the SC aug. The bard cloak is very nice however.

Maybe add something faster for higher levels to do in order to get ally with the kargyxx?
I was rather content with how many that dropped each spawn, it was how many you needed to get ally that was bothering me. Xompared to the others it was quite a doozy.
It's a terrible spawn rate considering the amount of beaks it takes to reach ally and since they don't drop every time. With that said if I were to try and suggest anything it would be to require less beaks and more brughwar/gemathian quest pieces later on in the quest series instead since the loot and xp is far better comparatively for higher levels and you'd expect the quest difficulty to scale more linearly anyways. As is quest part 3 of silver crown overall felt worse than quest part 4 did, but probably took a similar amount of time to complete overall.
I found the beaks to be decent. Sitting and camping them all in one shot, not so great. But if you do a round of quests, and farm a few things all at once, it works out nicely, and you get far more done in the same amount of time.
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