Shroud of the Novice Quest


Dalayan Adventurer
Quest: Shroud of the Novice
Quest Giver: Deepmaster Talain, South Newport

This quest involves farming up 5 sludge gnoll fangs and 5 plague gnoll fangs. The sludge gnoll fangs were straightforward enough, but I'm wondering if I missed a camp of rotting plague gnolls. There's an open area in the far southeast corner of northern badlands near the river where I found two static spawns, plus a weak named that dropped nothing but miscellaneous rations. Given the drop rate of the fangs, this turned into a several hour camp for what's really a fairly low level quest. I didn't see any other possibilities for spawn points anywhere in the vicinity.

If those are really the only plague gnoll spawns, then it might be worthwhile to either create more spawns (there's ample room in that clearing) or to increase the drop rate off the few spawns that are there.
There is also a abandoned farm in the middle of the zone below the loop in the road, as well as roamers.
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