Shroud of Spiritual Communion


Dalayan Elder
Slot: Back
AC: 40
Magic DMG: 25
Effect: Gift of Brilliance (Must Wear Clicky, 4.0)
Skill Mod: Dodge +10
STA: +25 CHA: +15 WIS: +25 INT: +25 AGI: +15 HP: +220 MANA: +240
Flowing Thought: +2
Spell Ward: +1%
Recommended level of 65.
WT: 2.0 Size: Medium
Race: ALL
Slot 1 type 5: empty

I was wondering if it would be possible to have BRD added to this item. Mostly this item is handed to NECs as they use a lich form and this adds to their mana regen. At the higher end, bards are pretty much the only other class that lich and have to constantly bug people who have this item for the buff/enchanter.

I can only imagine the clicky on here was to ease ENC buff harassment. At the very least, perhaps another item could be created/quested for with bard on it, that has this clicky if adding bard to this item would be unbalancing.
The only reason I could even remotely see against adding bard is that bonus magic damage. But, by the time you are raiding tribes, I am not even sure that would be even be that much of an issue.
25 magic dmg for bards is if you do your nuke for 1000normal damage you now do 1025dmg. If you use your relic dot and it does 100 dmg/ tic the increase is 108dmg/tic. Amazing dps increament for bards.....OP AS FUCK I TELL YOU
I wouldn't call a 12-15 dps increase "OP as fuck". Besides which, its more the buff I am looking at without the need to bug people for it. As it serves the same niche for necros. Hence why I said perhaps another item if this is deemed to powerful.
Yeah for the buff I mean I see it as a pretty positive change. I mean why not? 25 magic dmg isn't going to make bards wear this. Its just for the clicky. I SUPPORT YOUR IDEA.
As the necromancer who usually ends up clicking this buff on this bard, I must admit it probably bugs me less to do it than it does the bard who has to ask for it when I assume he has it sb already.

If powers that be determine that the numbers on this item are OP for a bard (I don't think they are, but idk I'm not a bard), would removing the "must equip" from the clicky, claiming yet another backpack slot, be good enough to keep devs and bards happy?

Are there any other bard backs besides monstro, NZ, and manipulators above Abyss that should be compared to this for numbers sake? It seems to fit in well for tier progression with those others from my point of view (someone using the cloak).
If powers that be determine that the numbers on this item are OP for a bard (I don't think they are, but idk I'm not a bard), would removing the "must equip" from the clicky, claiming yet another backpack slot, be good enough to keep devs and bards happy?

This would be great, much like the SHD NEC ear from the same tribes that drop this back.
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