"Show my Helm" - want on. (Link to potential Coding fix inside)


Dalayan Beginner
So, I have the glitch where my "show my helm" option is set to "off" whenever i log or zone... it also makes my plate shoulders disappear.

I figure "fine, i'll just turn it on each time".. but even when I click it On manually...there is only like a 3% chance it will actually fix the issue. Or I might click it on..and my helm might appear an hour later.

Is there a way to fix this?

I saw this thread about something similar in EQEmulator:

...where they posted a modification to the code that makes the change persistent. Has this been implemented in SoD? (its the second patch of code, seems to work from comments, and the description sounds very much like my problem...including an oddly twisted face when i do things like Bind Wound.)
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