Shared.... banks...?


Dalayan Beginner
Sorry if this isn't the right place to put this (still new to the sever and all ._.;; )

Anyway, yesterday I tried using the shared bank slots, however when I went to put my other char on, nothing showed up there. So, is there somehing wrong with it? Or has that feature never been added yet..?

Gah, I feel like a n00b right now ><
Shared bank doesnt work.... do not put plat into the shared bank you WILL lose it.... you can store items in it though as i have never had an item become lost there. Money will poof though... also you cannot transfer items via shared bank to another character.
the motd says clearly that shared banks do not work and items will not be refunded, it shows up in yellow every time you log in, good luck getting your items back.
ah, okays.

Well, it wasn't anything too big that I had in there, can easily get what I lost back in a pretty short time. So, no complaint there ^^;
kineldar said:
Shared bank doesnt work.... do not put plat into the shared bank you WILL lose it.... you can store items in it though as i have never had an item become lost there. Money will poof though... also you cannot transfer items via shared bank to another character.

This is great until Wiz patches the server one day and fixes the shared bank slots. Being that only 2 bag slots can exist, what happens with all the other characters on that account having stuff in those 2 slots?

No reply needed ... just wondering out-loud.
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