Shards of Dalaya under wine 1.2 in Ubuntu 10.10


Dalayan Adventurer
I ran sodpatcher under wine, told it to not use eqw, and I get an excessively dark screen. I think I'm at the device select screen when I hit enter, because I can barely make out the name of my graphics adapter near the top center of the screen.

I'm gonna see if I can find the gamma correction settings and run it again.

Oh yeah, here's what I wanted to ask:
the frame rate is awful. How to I make sod run faster in wine?
setting Gamma=8 to Gamma=1 didn't do a thing. I think the graphics options screen is borked.
I ran sodpatcher under wine, told it to not use eqw, and I get an excessively dark screen. I think I'm at the device select screen when I hit enter, because I can barely make out the name of my graphics adapter near the top center of the screen.

I'm gonna see if I can find the gamma correction settings and run it again.

Oh yeah, here's what I wanted to ask:
the frame rate is awful. How to I make sod run faster in wine?

You should list your hardware, that's going to have a pretty big effect on what people tell you to do. You could just have shit hardware for running it (wine I mean), or it could be a misconfiguration somewhere (probably).

Some general tips

1) Disable sound in the wine config
2) If you have an nvidia card on the box, run nvidia settings after you load it up. Old bug where it didn't initialize properly until you did that. Dunno if its been patched. Worth a go.
3) If it's a laptop, your battery might be fucked. Also check the heat.
4) Granted last time I did this I was running hardware that was so old it contained the recipe for greek fire, but you might try running regedit, go to hkey_Current_User/SOFTWARE/Wine, then look for the direct3d folder. If there isn't one. Make it, then make a key inside it called VideoMemorySize. Double click that shit and enter whatever the size of your card is, integers only.
5) Might work better fullscreen tbh, because wine is finicky like that.
6) If you have compiz fusion running, turn it off before you run wine, it makes wine run like a 60 year old man with polio. I have a script on mine that does it if you really need help, but its pretty simple.
7) Target rings=off, improves framerate generally.
8) I've heard of piss poor framerate in the menus, improving later too.

The dark screen sounds like a bug in a really old version of wine (for eq2 incidentally). Did you compile this version yourself or just grab it?
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Run this

# written by the Lich Velleity Darkbloom of FWF
# Boehm on the forums
# 1. Copy and paste this into a file with a name like
# 2. Put the file in your /tmp directory
# 3. Do "chmod u+x" at a shell prompt
# 4. then you can ./ or "sh"
# 5. If for some reason you copied this script on a windows box
# and opened it with a windows text editor. you will need to run
# "sed 's/.$//' >>"
# at a shell prompt to convert dos newlines to unix newlines
# Load hostname and date into memory.
dir="$(hostname).$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')"
# Create a master directory to store information called {hostname-date}
# If the directory already exists or is corrupted stop the process.
# Copy all errors into a file named ERRORS.
if [ -e "${dir}" ]; then
if [ ! -d "${dir}" ]; then
echo "${dir} exists but is not a directory" >&2
exit 1
mkdir "${dir}"
exec >"${dir}/ERRORS" 2>&1
# Run the named command and write the output to the directory created above
dst="${dir}/$(echo ${cmd} | tr ' /' '__')"
sh -c "${cmd}" >"${dst}" 2>&1
run uname -a
run lspci
run lsmod
run wine --version
run "dmesg | grep agpgart"
run "glxinfo | grep version"
run "glxinfo | grep direct"
run "glxinfo | grep rendering"
run "dpkg -l | grep ia32-libs"
run "dpkg -l | grep nvidia"
run "dpkg -l | grep fglrx"
run "dpkg -l | grep nouveau"
run "grep -B2 'Module class: X.Org Video Driver' /var/log/Xorg.0.log"
run "cat /proc/acpi/video/VID/LCD0/brightness"
# Find a named file and copy it to the created directory
# keeping the path and permissions intact.
fn="$(echo $1 | sed -e 's}^/}}')"
dst="${dir}/$(dirname $(echo ${fn}))"
mkdir -p "${dst}"
cp "/${fn}" "${dst}"
f /etc/debian_version
f /etc/ubuntu_version
f /etc/X11/xorg.conf
f /var/log/Xorg.0.log
# Archive, compress, then delete the directory
tar cf "${dir}.tar" "${dir}" && gzip "${dir}.tar" && rm -rf "${dir}"

and post the output from the run commands and laptop make and model.
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