Shaman Thug Tunic *warning*

Kirin Folken

Dalayan Elder
We I have finaly completed my Thug Tunic so Ill offer some advice as I have been getting ALOT of tells from up and coming shamans about it.

Item #1 The Wraith weave isn't to difficult to get. The Shadows things in freeport are only in there 40s (was 55 so hard to pinpoint) My guess was 45 area. YOu can root them and jsut dot rot them. I got the wraithweave in 3 kills, most people say this one drops fairly fast.

Item #2 DN floor spawn... Ok You dont have to kill anything, just keep your head about you and keep invis up. Also dont get stupid and walk close to anything undead :) Bone Dragons where the only things I saw that can see throw invis. The Wiki is alittle .. undiscript about where the drop is (I will be updating it later). But its pretyy easy to get to.

Item #3 Words of Binding.. OMG I hate this part. After doing the Soulfire quest with my paladin I thought Highkeep guards where nasty. They have nothing on those warlus men in Siren Grotto. These guys have TONS of hps and Hit hard and fast. The worst part is the Coldelemetals share the same spawn points as the walrus men. DO NOT think the coldelementals are the same diff. Those things hit about x2 as hard as the Warlus with the same hps, plus proc a DD stun. VERY VERY nasty. This part is definitly not a solo or even duo venture unless your 65. I dont know what level they are but I am guessing 53-55 range as they were blue to 56 but very hard. It took all I could muster between a 56 shaman and 56 paladin to drop 1. This normaly put both toons down in the 20-30% hps range OOM and a dead pet. Not a pretty picture at all, so if you plan on doing this part BRING A GROUP!!

Depending on your gear you may or may not be able to duo even one at 56. Prehaps a second time around toon at 56 (do to btter gear) but for me the first time throw the game with my gear was a tough fight.

A Final Word of Warning:

If you want ot try your new Tunic pet proc out.. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!! DONT HAVE A NPC TARGETED LIKE ME!!
Was all happy hit the click.. next thing I know Artificer Espa is slugging me for 800 dmg.

The Tunic summons a uncontrolable Pet that attacks what you had targeted, this pet last for a minute or os (havn't tested yet) then despawns. Recharge is around 10 minutes

Hope this info helps

I want to put a special thank you to Blight of Karma (hope I am getting the guild name right) One of there memebers was nice enof to let me join his group and even let me get the first page that droped.
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