Shaman noob Armor Quest


Dalayan Beginner
Not certain if this is the right spot but I'm doing the shaman grobb armor quest and the first one says

" two green tinted mud from froglok tadpoles
fungus flesh from mushroom mobs, all of them drop the flesh the easiest ones are the
tiny ones on the island by the Greenmist zone - the same ones that Spirit Talker
Notab asks you to kill
for the newb 2hb
one bandage
leech sucker from a swamp leech"

(straight from wiki)

Buut when I go to combine them it says cannot combine those items in this container type? Plz some tips!

Zalxder the Iksar Shaman
Ha go figure... After struggeling for hours and asking for tips, i figured it out seconds after posting this, the problem was I was trying to use a "dried leech sucker" instead of a "leech sucker"... (i musta killed 50 of these things and all I ever got was the dried version so I figured there was only dried kind)

Oh well. Newb moment heh. Mod can delete this if they want.
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