Shadow Knight newbie quest (Location Grobb)


Dalayan Beginner

I have some trouble to complete the SK newbie quest which i have got from the Dreadmaster Natzrii in SK hall (Grobb city). Lets get things from the start though.

1) The Dreadmaster Natzrii after a dialogue i had with him, gives me a metal bar to give to the Monk Class leader Master Hysath who is on a raised platform.

2) Master Hysath accepts the metal bar and gives me a new task to find him 2 froglok skulls and 2 mosquito wings from Stinger's Bog.

3) I have easily found the mosquito wings (which i have got from the mosquitos in Stinger's Borg). Although i cant find the froglok skulls which can be dropped from the tadpoles (according to SODwiki) . And the reason is that i havent found not even one tadpole in Stinger's Borg area :(

4) The community in the game proposed me to hunt down the low lvl mobs near beginner grounds (which i have done already) and wait for the spawn , propably others are (used) like placeholders. I tried again to find them by killing everything near the starting point (begginer's hunting area) but still no luck :(

Am i doing something wrong here? Did i miss some information? :confused: (if yes i apologise).

I have started doing this quest 2 days ago by the way.

Respectfully ,

I think I remember finding them in & out of water, and some how a bit west of newbie area. Was it changed recently with Happy Newbie Project or something ?
If you don't mind me highjacking, I remember doing those quests and not getting a single Spec Bonus with Marlow, and from my perspective when your class is stuck on an alignment and a corresponding deity what would better reward you towards loyal evil than SK quest ?
Hi Djillon,

Thank you for your reply , i went more west like you said and hunted everything i could find , vipers , mosquitos , leeches . Even i killed many of them for a long time there wasnt any tadpole around. I start to believe that these tadpoles doesnt spawn anymore :( Maybe something changed? What is the happy newbie project you have mentioned?

I am a new player and this is my first character. These small quest series gives some nice starting gear . I would love to finish it :)

Respectfully ,

Its possible some of the mob spawn tables were changed around in the recent newbie grounds revamp (literally last weekend). This will be investigated further today.
The mysteriously disappearing Froglok Tadpoles will make a comeback after the next reboot, gracing everyone with their wondrous tadpoley presence.
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