Server up and working fine


Dalayan Beginner
Here's how I did it:

Downloaded the files from the main page, extracted them to EQ directory.
I then edited my patchset.txt file in the WRPatcher directory that I had left over from WR, and pointed it to I ran the patcher, it ran EQ, and I logged in with my old username.

If you don't have the old WRpatcher, you might be able to run eqgame.exe with the patchme.exe parameter. Not sure on that one though. It would be like: "C:\program files\everquest\eqgame.exe patchme.exe" Anyone confirm this works? I didnt want to risk patching to live...
Download the
Unzip into Everquest folder.
Go to desktop and right click.
Click new, then new shortcut.
A window will pop up, click Browse.
Locate and select EQGame.exe
"C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest\eqgame.exe" will then appear.
Change line to read;
"C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest\eqgame.exe" patchme
With a space between the " and the word patchme
Click next, change name of Shortcut to whatever you want.
Click finish then Execute the new Shortcut.
...okay something really weird happened. I did the above, put in my username and password from before and I get Quellinos (whatever its called) . Im like...oookaayy and log in and im in eqlive?! what am I doing wrong?

edit -

I looked over at"Trial Active" alllrighty then. why am I still connecting to EQ and not you guys?
Iceman12321 said:
...okay something really weird happened. I did the above, put in my username and password from before and I get Quellinos (whatever its called) . Im like...oookaayy and log in and im in eqlive?! what am I doing wrong?

edit -

I looked over at"Trial Active" alllrighty then. why am I still connecting to EQ and not you guys?

NOTE: All occurances of "Game.exe" should be replaced with "Ever Quest.exe" without the space...

Are you making sure to run eqgame.exe? Not EverQuest.exe

From the beginning, the steps should be (I know they have been stated already, but I'm going to reiterate):

1) Run EverQuest.exe and download all the patches/expansions up to (and including? not sure) LDoN.

2) After all patching is complete, download from Unzip it directly into your EQ folder. Make sure the files aren't being extracted into C:\Program Files\EverQuest\Files, but rather C:\Program Files\EverQuest directly. Look in your EQ dir and see if there's a dir named "Files". If there is, then you aren't unzipping to the proper directory. Alternatively, you can extract into its own folder on your desktop, open up that folder, and copy all the files into your EQ folder.

3a) EQW: create a shortcut to "C:\Program Files\EverQuest\eqw\eqw.exe" and start EQ with that

3b) NO EQW: create a shortcut to eqgame.exe, edit it, and change the Target field to look exactly like this (assuming EQ is in C:\Program Files\EverQuest):

"C:\Program Files\EverQuest\eqgame.exe" patchme

Note that the "patchme" is OUTSIDE of the quotes.

Then start EQ with that shortcut.
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