Serious Mistake pls help!!


Dalayan Beginner
I feel so stupid. I am a lvl 25 Necro, and I had the slimy key in my inventory to do the quest in underhill and Erudin from the Newport Sewers. Well, I took the key out to unlock the door. However, instead of clicking done on my inventory I clicked destroy instead. I hailed the Lord master again to see if I could get a new key, but no yellow text. Could someone please help me, I'm desparate!!! Thank you in advance.
You should have posted in the "quests discussions" forum.
Otherwise, no one else than a GM can help you there.
Wiz said:
Our policy on losing quest components that make you unable to continue the quest is that if the loss is somehow the server's fault or a bug, you will be reimbursed. However, destroying, trading away, or otherwise losing a quest item in a way that is entirely your fault will not get you a reimbursement, even if it this means you can not continue a quest.

Be careful what you destroy.
When the Trash Barrel was implemented, wasn't it made impossible to destroy quest items like this to prevent these mistakes? Did this quest item miss receiving that particular flag?
It's not every quest item that is flagged as "undestroyable". AFAIK, only those for Very Important Quests (such as Main Quest) are flagged as such.
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