Selling HQ Type 2 augs, warp/ghost weapons, spells and more


Dalayan Beginner
Here is a sample of the items I have for sale:

HQ Type 2 (plate/chain) augments. Available in 16 hp or 28 mana. 150pp each. Contact me directly for discount on bulk purchases of 3 or more.

Reznolaw Fang 14/27 piercer, +20 dex, war/rng/brd/rog/bst/int casters. Req level of 36. 400pp

Ghostmetal weapons in 1hs, knuckles and daggers. These are all 1:2 dmg/dly ratio with Lifedraw proc. Req level of 40. 125pp

Warpmetal weapons in 1hs, daggers and ulaks. These are also 1:2 ratio and have +1 to +3 magic dmg. Req level of 40. 125pp

Dalium knuckles. 4/13 mnk/bst. +5 cha/wis/int. NO req level. 30pp

Dalium Ner`den 20/42 2hb WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD DRU MNK SHM BST +10 cha/wis/int

Bracelet of Accuracy WAR PAL RNG SHD ROG +8 wis/int +9% to ARCHERY 250pp

Frogskin Tunic WAR CLE PAL RNG SHD DRU MNK BRD ROG SHM BST AC: 14 STA: +6 WIS: +8 AGI: +5 MANA: +40 SV FIRE: +10 450pp

Spell: Complacency 62 ench. 250pp

Spell: Condemnation 62 clr. 150pp

Spell: Voidflare 61 wiz. 100pp

Spell: Shackles of Earth 64 clr, 62 wiz/ench. 650pp

Spell: Faithshield 64 clr. 750pp

Spell: Black Plague 64 shm. 750pp

Spell: Flame Strike 63 dru. 500pp

To get a listing of any of these items at any time, just visit your favorite banker, target him and use /cmd listsold Brandar or /cmd listsold Praethor.
To buy the above items use /cmd listbuy sellername item#. Again, with the banker targeted.
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