Seeker tresaria


Dalayan Beginner
First off this seems to have been brought up before in a few prior threads but as it is I do not think anything has been done to correct what I assume is a problem.
Somewhat related:

Does she have some case of selective mutism? Or some racial/class hatred?

I have done the mainquest on a few characters up to various points however she is pretty good at hiding sidequests, from personal experience and constant whining about it ingame (dalayas beginners )

She will sometimes hide the sidequest progression from you; Specifically noted the sidequest after visiting all the survivors and such (part2) I assume she wants you to ask "what is this opportunity"

However she very well likes to NOT MENTION THIS OPPORTUNITY AT ALL.
In the 2 recent characters I have presented to her she has given me only the option of continuing on the mainquest after claiming my 200k experience, I figured out pretty soon that she will give you the second chat option/ Prompt you with it if you hail her again right after finishing that.

This was done on my half elf ranger and then again today on my froglok shaman, However notably on the shaman today after completing the first portion of the sidequest (Hailing three of the npc's) she decided to give me the experience and completely refuse to let me continue this quest. No new choices were prompted after getting the 75000 experience on the shaman, However a ranger buddy of mine had previously somehow failed to do this as well and after turning in the next portion (Diary+Letter) realized something was wrong and began to flood her with chat that the wiki suggested.

She will progress you if you say "What must I Practice"~ if you do not get the choice prompted to you like I assume you should.
For a new player this would be somewhat damning, even for the purists who do not like to consult the online help file (wiki) on things such as quest.
I think she does mention something about having another task for you but since there is sometimes no automatic prompt after doing part 2(history) to begin the sidequest it can lead to the idea that its not finished or something like that, and then to see no obvious signs of progressing it again ingame like you are so used to on the next part.

I am also taking the liberty to assume that she would not later prompt me after say turning in the letter and diary, I dont want to get jipped by her out of 175,000 experience.

But sadly it seems some people are.

TL;DR Seeker tresaria is mean and is not a equal opportunity quest giver.
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